Thursday, January 1, 2009

Family---So much to be THANKFUL for

Josh Groban has a Christmas song called "Thankful" with these words:

Even with our differences----

There is a place we're all connected------

Each of us can find each other's light------

So for tonight we pray for---

What we know can be----

And on this day we hope for---

What we still can't see-----

It's up to us to be the change-----

And even though this world needs so much more-----

There's so much to be thankful for.

As I have been reading letters and histories from our family it came to me that we are all connected by our past and our future. We ALL have so much to be thankful for. The one thing I am learning through these stories of or family is that they all loved their family and just because we have never met someone, doesn't change our connection with them. The beauty of this site will be that we will be able to see the light in these people if we just take the time--or do more. That is what I hope we all get out of this "gift" or undertaking this year. I have decided to start with Grandpa and Grandma Larsen (Louis and Ada Larsen) and Robert and Louise Armstrong---hence the title of this blog. From there we will see where it takes us.

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