Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Soozle Snout by Louise Larsen Armstrong

by Louise L. Armstrong
Written while living in Kaysville house
Dedicated to her grandchildren

SNOOZLE SNOUT is a peeping Tom
There's no way on earth you can keep him from
PEEKING in your window.

His unkempt whiskers filter his breath.
If you open your blinds,
He would scare you to death.

But I opened my blind and just peeked out,
And there was a tree limb
That looked like a snout.

I looked again, and what did I see?
Old Snoozle face smiled and gently swayed,
As though he knew I had been afraid.

And then I saw others
And realized, they were gentle friends
In this grove outside.

When I settled in my chair and looked around
I could conjure a face in most any place
And then never see it again.

I knew if I just sat in my chair
Others would be there,
To shelter me from sunshine and rain.

This beautiful grove
Was my grove and theirs.
And we cared for each other
Thru foul weather and fair.
All I have to do is sit in my chair.

Snoozle Snout is a Peeping Tom,
There's no way on earth you can keep him from
PEEKING in your window.

His unkempt whiskers filter his breath.
If you open your blinds,
He would scare you to death.

But I opened my bland and just peeked out,
And there was a tree limb
That looked like a snout.

I looked again and then---
Old Snoozle face smiled and gently swayed,
As though he knew I had been afraid.

And then I saw others
And realized they were gentle friends
In this grove outside.
Gentle friends that would come again and again.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE LOVE some of the photos I have never seen before. I love little Robert Jr acting like a clown and I love Robert Sr. holding Dad as a little baby. And grandma was breathtaking as a young woman...I really mean that!! I think she was flawless and beautiful. I guess I know why she was into all the "social" scene so much!!! How interesting she never mentioned Bob's death in her history. I am so glad we have these and that you are posting them here for us to read!
