Tuesday, April 21, 2009

July 2, 1940

Dear Mom and Pop:

Thought I had better drop a line before the 4th and another week-end is upon us or it will be another week before I get around to it. We have been busy with the Pearson's for the last few days. Just when we find someone we really enjoy, they have orders to move. They don't know just yet where they will be--either Seattle or San Francisco. I feel sorry for them. They want to stay here. They are buying a home and have it beautifully furnished, then over night--as always with C.I.T.--they are transferred. It's a sort of take it or leave it job and they have to move themselves so they are selling most of their furniture. They spend a lot of time with us, they can't bear to stay in their place while it is being moved out piece by piece. She has a small dining room set of Chinese Chippendale she paid $175.00 for and she sold it to us for $50.00. It is beautiful and in perfect condition. Bob has had the itch to buy a car but I beat him to it and bought furniture. So now as soon as the hot weather is over we are going to move into another apartment in the Naches Court. It has a dinette and I think will be even prettier than the one we have and they will let us have it for the same rent. They are looking for something here and if they find something, as soon as they get on their feet Mr. Pearson is going to set Ted (the Mrs.) up in a ready-to-wear shop of her own. They have been considering it for sometime. She ask me how I would like to go in with her. Isn't that funny, after wanting a dress shop of my own all my life I run into someone who has been planning it seriously for quite awhile. Well, I'll stop, I'm probably worrying you to death with my wild ideas. Bob will see that I never bankrupt us. We have also been with a big Corp. long enough to profit by others mistakes--or bad luck. We never intend to get caught stranded a million miles from home like several other people we know. Of course, you can't blame them for expecting their employees to produce. Poor Ted can't even go home to see her family in British Columbia. She can't get back without papers of some kind or another and has to go through a lot of red tape to get them. It never rains but it pours. Ted and Woody want us to go over to Seattle with them tomorrow but Bob has to go to Wenatchee--about 125 miles from here and I am going with him. Peggy Chilcott is in Seattle and her husband wants us to ride over with him this week-end to bring her back. So it looks like one of these days we'll have to go over to the big city in spite of all our excuses. If you ever meet any of these people, you'll feel that you know them after all the talking I do about them.

Today is Dick's birthday and I'll bet that's where you are tonight. How is everything with them? Mrs. Armstrong writes that it is terribly hot just now. They think it's hot here but I'm afraid they don't know what hot weather is. Tenants in the Court ask me if it's hot enough now and I say it's just comfortable. They think I'm being obstinate. When S.L. really turns on the heat come up and try this ice box of mine. Nothing much happens. We see a lot of shows, go on an occasional picnic or house party. But time passes fast. I meant to tell you, Pop, that Jack Murdock--branch manager in Boise--quite and went with J. B. Burnham. The whole branch blew up about a week ago. Ken and Betty More insisted on a transfer to Los Angeles. Maybe if things had popped sooner over there, we could have stayed. Oh well, we'll never see the world that way.

Ted and Woody just walked in and want to see a show, so must close. How do you like this little snap? I'll bet you are getting weary of looking at Bob and me posing all over the Northwest. I had to send this one, though, I think it's pretty good of both of us and I don't think we have ever had one of both of us before.

Tell everyone hello and write. What have you decided about that vacation? Tell Tom I haven't received that letter yet--must have gone to the wrong address. Love Louise

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