Monday, April 20, 2009

June 15, 1940

Dear Mom & Pop:

Here I am a widow again. Bob left this morning for Portland for a meeting but will be back tomorrow night. I'm going to stay with Peggy Chiloott, whose husband also went. I was mad this time and raised considerable hell, so I got a trip to Seattle next week-end promised to me. I still have a vacation in Salt lake coming from the last meeting Bob went to and he stills says I can come on a visit whenever I want, I may find out if he means it. I think it would be fun to bum around Salt lake for a week or so with nothing to do but visit. Pop, I was just wondering if you need some help in the office while you take a vacation with your dentist. I probable couldn't do much good but might be able to keep people busy. You didn't tell me whether you could leave town then and when you plan to have it done. I guess I had better forget Kay for awhile since a baby is still in the running. I wouldn't dare try to get them both in. It sounds as though Baby has changed her realm at last. She has certainly been trying. All the hocus-pokus about wanting to be like me is flattering, but it would be a shame for her to change very much she's so cute as she is.

Well, Mom, sounds like things are humming down that way with relatives and friends raising everything from lilies to roses. It's fun to get the clippings. I am surprised at LaNor. So far as I know she didn't have a serious love affair in the line when I was getting married. It must have been a second Larsen-Armstrong affair. I guess the gals in A.I. are all so old they can't afford long engagements. Don't tell anyone what I said. LaNor's picture is very natural and very pretty. i like her a lot and if either of you see her give her my love and best wishes.

Haven't much to tell you, as usual. Mrs. Clam and I are quite the buddies and I like it. She is an unusually nice person./ She brings me cookies every day or so and we run back and forth for tea every day and go to town and shop. I enjoy her a lot. Tell Tom if the gal situation gets too tough to come up here. Yakima has some beautiful gals and that's the truth. I'd like to have him spend some time with me, we could have fun. Try to sell him on the idea when he gets back.

Excuse this hurried letter but I am trying to get out to Peggy's by 6:00--she's having a chicken dinner just for the two of us and her 3 year old boy. So now I know you'll forgive the rush, I have almost an hour to go send and have to dress yet.

I hope my signature was in the right place on the stock, Pop...and also that my name was all that was missing. Most of all I hope you get a good deal from Kaysor. Personally I don't see how he can possible succeed unless someone undertakes to run both him and the business and he's a bit touch on that point. Thanks again for buying me out. I hope you don't lose on it.

I'm sending you pictures of the fish in the next letter. I guess that will prove somebody caught one. I still say it was me. Or did you mean the salmon jumping? If so, you don't get me on that---you gotta come an see for yourself. Write. Love, Louise

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