Saturday, April 18, 2009

June 3, 1940

Dear Folks:

Sorry to be so slow writing but I have been busy getting my house in order and I wrote one letter last week-my limit-to Bobby since it was his birthday. We are pretty well settled now and love our place. We have been taking pictures of it and ourselves and will send you some in the next letter-(it's a promise.) We have also been working in a little fun. We expected to spend a quiet Decoration Day. Thought we would take a street car to the end of the line and maybe walk back and take pictures along the way. But the Chrysler Dealer here lives in our apartment and he and his wife invited us to go riding in this big Chrysler and they really showed us the valley. They said the Salmon were running and took us up the canyon gorge to Rosa Dam where we could watch them swimming up over the dam via a ladder affair built for them. Quite an accommodation for fish. We have a swell picture of it and will send it next time. This is a beautiful valley with real rugged country surrounding it. Later in the day we took them to dinner and then spent the evening at their apartment. They seemed to enjoy our company and took me with them yesterday to a gorgeous spot to fish. It's a big dam on a road being built straight through from here to Portland. The road won't be finished, however, for two years. The dam is called Rim Rock and is surrounded by high elegant mountains. It's only about an hours drive from Yakima. They have a perfectly swell cabin boat that does about 20 miles an hour. We went cruising around the lake, then anchored and did a little trolling. Mrs Clam is an old hand at fishing. Bob and I didn't have licenses but we used their poles and you won't believe it but I caught the first fish. They weren't biting and we only got six. I have a picture of us-me and the fish-Which is forthcoming. I'm going to enjoy them-the clams. She is in her thirties but has no children and is very nice-an old school teacher. Bob's going to buy me a pole and she and I are going fishing in the river in the afternoon. It takes only a few minutes to get to some good fishing on the river.

Well, so much for us. That's about all we've done since we moved in. Glad to hear you are enjoying your car so much but that's not hard to understand. We will probably end up with a Chrysler if we don't watch out. I think we've convinced them we're just struggling along and now drive exactly the kind of car we should have with our present income. It would be swell if you could manage another trip in this direction. you'd love this country and you can roll over to Seattle in 3 1/2 hours on the countries most scenic highways--and see Rainier on the way--and there are some beautiful spots close around Yakima. the city itself is interesting...all kinds of people with the Indians well represented. There is a big reservation just north of here and a big part of the population roam Yakima's streets. Right smack in the center of our fair city streets a ten story structure which started to be a hotel. They got all the steel and cement work done and then ran out of funds. So the owner of the biggest hotel in the city bought controlling interest and instead of putting up the funds to complete the building he built a board fence around it and said he figured he was still ahead. It has weathered so much it has been condemned---and so it stands--the worst eye sore the city ever had. But it's different and quite a story. We could have a great time. Our apartment is a swell spot to live. It's old but it's lovely and the rooms are big and darn cold-so it promises to be swell for the hot weather they claim we'll have. It can be a beautiful, warm day outside and I am chilly inside. So I go out to get warm and our landlord-a big, fat man goes out to cool off. He things I'm crazy, but his apartment gets more light. But it's nice. It has a big fireplace and when it gets to chilly we have a fire. We're getting along just right. Bob had a raise when his last check came in and our living expenses are less than in Boise. It doesn't sound right but it's so. You'll just have to come up and see this place. We have gas refrigeration and store. We pay $40.00 a month--$5 less than Boise--and they pay the gas bill and heat in the winter. All we have are the lights and juice is cheap here. the only worry I have is that they'll go bankrupt they're so gorgeous and I'll have to find another place to live. Gavin is the janitor and if I can't turn a knob all I do is ring him on the house phone and he'll commit murder for you if the rent is paid. All deliveries mare made at a back entrance and Gavin puts them on your dumb waiter and sends them up. I wanted to take my laundry, but nothing doing. Gavin came up and explained the different ways to send your washing, Mom, I don't mean to make apartment living sound to glamours but I'm being spoiled fast. But I have never herd of or seen anything quite like this. The man who runs the office is a retired auto dealer and apparently 4runs the place for fun. Some of the apartments aren't too attractive and they have several that aren't rented and it does tend to worry them. Clam's the only people who have lived in the north wing for months and they are the only apartment in it. Well, come and see it soon.

It's bad they didn't catch the thief. If Tom even sees your neighbor on the West in his hats or watch, he's apt to wish the cops had caught him. Tom should be a perfect young man with the kind of training you can give him, Pop, and his energy and square chin. Maybe you could keep him out in the service unless Hitler has us out on a branch-I guess I mean limb. The war scares me. I guess there is no particular reason why the allies couldn't lose. I wish something would stop it all quick.

If I quit now maybe I can get this off tonight. I listen every day for Dave Scudder-it sounds swell. I hope it goes big-it should. I'll be looking for Scudder and wife in person one day soon. I hope to pay S.L. a visit sometime during the summer-maybe ride out with you or something.

Bob says "Hello" and to come up and see some country you've never seen before.
Love to all, Louise

P.S. mom, speaking of flowers-Mrs Chandler, the landlord's wife-brought me a big bouquet of white peonies a few days ago. They are very nice people. he spends all day keeping up the lot-he's very proud of it. Will you all come and see it? Goodnight

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