Friday, April 17, 2009

March 12, 1940

Dear Family:

I haven't really forgotten you all. Have really been busy with one thing and another but can't remember just what at the moment. Pop, I'm sorry to neglect you on the income tax reports after my offer to help but I'm glad to hear that it is all straightened out and on it's way. Kay probably knows as much or more about it as I do. As for my own 1% I think I'll forget it. My conscience won't bother me but do you think I can get away with it? Tell me what you think.

It seemed good to see Tom. I tried my best to get him to stay with me for awhile but I think he wanted to hurry home and start work on that new pair of skis. It was too bad but, as you say, probably good experience. I guess there is no stopping him now, so more power to him. How is everyone else doing down there? Noone ever writes. I did get a letter from Melba, though. Sorry to hear about Dale and hope he fells better by now. How are all the other little boys? I'm dying to see them.

Mom, you'll have to come up and stay for awhile and teach me how to sew on something. I go to Mary Merrill Enders' sewing bee every Thursday afternoon and quite enjoy it but they insist after lunch that I sew on something. I tore out the hem in the legs of that cute bargain bathing suit for a few weeks and now I'm putting them back and I'll soon be through and have to start a new "piece." So bring your crocheting needles and come on up and teach me to do something to make them all envious. I think I could learn now I'm really getting domesticated. "Gone With The Wind" was here and all evening seats were reserved so we had Bernice and Owen Sproat over to dinner and ll went last Thursday. What a dinner. Corn cold...potatoes burned...biscuits a bit leaded. Well I tried. At least I'll never do any worse and they swore it was good. My little girl reserves are pretty cute young-uns but hart to keep busy. But I'm learning all about Boise running around looking up entertainment for them. I can see I'll have to write more often so I can remember something I've done to write about. Pop, I wish you'd hurry and come up and I'll let you help me start a new business. And it's not an Agency. It's a brand new kind of Business. A brain child of my own and so far as I know has never been done and can be a tremendous thing! It's a secret and you'll have to come up and find out what it is. Maybe this will at least be the means of getting you to Boise and this business won't be a total failure. I guess this sounds funny and you'll probably be right up to see if I'm all right. Whatever brings you I wish it would hurry I'd really like to see you all. And spring is here and is something to write home about. Come up and loaf for awhile. It will do you a world of good.

Bob is through and waiting to go to a show so will have to stop. I'll write soon again and hope you are all well. Bob says hello. Tell Dick and Ellen hello and we're expecting you this month without fail. Don't forget the golf clubs. Plan to stay for awhile there is a lot to do and see here. And write. Love, Louise

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