Tuesday, April 21, 2009

June 25, 1940

Dear Folks:

Here I am at last. Something always comes up to keep me from writing when I plan to. I expected to go to the office with Bob tonight and use a typewriter, but it is so hot he said he couldn't work if he went--so here I am scribbling again. We didn't get to Seattle as I had hoped but are going to visit in a few weeks. Peggy Chikett's home is here and she is coming over shortly for a visit and her husband, Bob and I are going to drive over for a week-end. We had a car over the week-end and it seemed good to get off our feet for a couple of days. Bob has a new collector that has a car of his own--kind of a company car, so we have decided to take the company car away from him this week-end. He can't drive too cars at once, anyway. I met the "New Business" men's wife recently. Pearson is their name and they are buying a home here in spite of the fact that he is gone most of the time. I think she gets quite lonesome. She can't travel with him because of a 3 year old young-un they adopted. We have been seeing a great deal of them. Bob brought them home to dinner-unexpectedly-one night. Next night they invited us up the canyon on a picnic dinner. Saturday night we went dancing together and Sunday went on another picnic. Mr. Pearson left town yesterday and last night the Mrs (named Ted) Bob and I went to a show. She's swell company and a person with a swell sense of humor. We make congenial company for each other-were both just crazy enough. She is a French Canadian but calls San Francisco "home". She's dark, with olive skin and big black eyes and a constant smile. I'll send a picture of her sometime. I really know some swell people by now. Everyone is so nice with us. Incidentally, this man "Woody" Pearson is originally from Ogden. He knows Uncle Ruben. He was a bookkeeper for some livestock company in Ogden when Uncle Rub was there. Well, more about the Pearson's later.

We have just herd that the Boise Office blew completely up. Jack Murdock, branch manager quit and went to work for J.A. Burnham. I don't know whether he stayed in Boise or went to Salt Lake. Ken Moore, new business manager over there insisted on and got transferred to Los Angeles. Things certainly pop fast and often in D.I.T. Never know what's going on so hang on tight there are changes everywhere.

I wish I had something interesting to write about, but life is slow and easy here. You may be interested to know that I have just about decided (all by myself, too) to vote Republican, come this election and if I can vote. Have you got a good argument against it? I just listened to Norma talk and unless politicians are liars, I think maybe they will keep us out of the war for awhile...if there is a war by that time. Looks bad for mighty England doesn't it?

News of JoAnn was interesting. If you see her, give my best wished for a happy married life. She deserves it. Tell her to write.

Glad you are feeling better, Pop. Why not take that trip to San Francisco--via Yakima. There is a road from here to there. I don't think it's necessary to go to Portland. Want to drag you off in this general direction every time you get a vacation and this may be the last year of the Fair so you do exactly what you want. Maybe you could go to San Francisco now and steal a few days later to come to Yakima. But we are always happy to have you come whenever you can. There is still nothing definite about when Bob can take a vacation. Course I'm always free and we could have a glorious time if you came to Yakima. I hope you can manage to see both of us--the Fair and me.

Hope something of interest happens soon so I can write about it next letter. Write often. tell everyone Hello. Love, Louise

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