Thursday, August 13, 2009

Letter from Robert November 4, 1941

This letter is professionally typed on Yakima Valley Branch Seattle First National Bank

Dear Louis:

I am enclosing a sample folder insert which was sent to us along with several types of letters from our main office in Seattle.

I am also enclosing copies of the types of letters which our advertising department in Seattle apparently worked out.

Personally, there are advantages and disadvantages to these letters as I see them, and I believe they lack a little modern appeal. I am sending these to you as I know you will be interested in our direct advertising campaign. I have not had an opportunity to use your letters as yet. However, I did present them to our Seattle office. After numerous committees which meet on this type of material, apparently our letters became lost in the delay. I still have your copies here, and I am planning on putting these into effect as soon as we have exhausted our present supply.

Again I want to thank you for a swell job and speed with which you turned these out to me in view of your busy routine.

Louise has just mentioned to me that you're birthday has come and gone which apparently slipped her mind, and which, i am sure, I had not remembered much to my embarrassment. We certainly would have enjoyed having you here in Yakima with us, as we miss hearing from you from time to time.

Thanksgiving this year has just been announced by the governor to fall on the 20th which may alter Louise's plans of a trip to Salt Lake. However, she is still undetermined. I hope to have some news regarding my future direct mail plans and will keep you posted. Best regards to you and Ada, very truly yours, Bob---- R.F. Armstrong, Manager, Automobile Finance Dept.

Handwritten on top says pardon formality but my steno has no sense of humor. Hello to Paul and write!!

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