Tuesday, August 4, 2009

July 24, 1941

Dear Family,
Just noticed that today is the 24th. It just doesn't mean a thing to us gentiles. What have you been doing all day for excitement? I don't know where the time goes but here is summer almost gone. I'm still coming home on that vacation but it will probably be in October before I get squared away for it. The babe will then be seven months and should make the trip like a seasoned traveler. He's quite the little gent right now. He's doing fine and is a good boy. His worst habit is being awake from six A.M. and insists that I converse with him. He's strong as a little bull and gets about when we put him on his stomach. With a little help I think he'll crawl one day soon. I'm just wondering how nice it would be to teach him that little trick. Oh, all this reminds me that I have some real news. Florence McCarthy had a Little girl June 29th. She named her Maureen. It makes a very pretty and unusual name. Louise Jarvis wrote a long letter and sent a picture of her 18 pound-er. He's a sweet husky youngster. Well, enough about babies.

We have new neighbors in the other half of our duplex. A young couple moved from Portland. They have a girl three and boy about two. We have been having a lot of fun with them. She's my age and is also struggling along with her housekeeping, working, etc. It's pleasant to have someone close who doesn't tell me how to do everything. Bob and I have been having a little fun lately. Have been swimming in the river several times. Had lots of people dropping in since we moved. Last night we went to an A.J.A. picnic with the vice president of the local First National branch. This same man just returned from a Gyro Club convention in British Columbia and told Bob he met several Salt Lakers who informed him that Bob descended from a long line of Bankers and everybody is doing a lot of talking about it. It didn't hurt him any. We drive out for an ice cream cone every night but it will soon have to stop. The baby has decided he wants one too and he has a touch of temper. That's just about all the news from up this way. The Leonard's are all fine and still talk about there stop in Salt Lake. Did you get our card from Whestling Jack's? I guess it's pretty lonesome with Tom gone but don't worry we'll probably all come home to visit again some day. We are still thinking about it. I'll try to write to Tom often and also do better about writing home. Tell Dick and Ellen hello and talk them into a vacation up this way. Write often, Much Love Louise---Bob sends his love also, Goodnight, Louise

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