Friday, July 31, 2009

Letter from Robert July 19, 1941

Dear Ada & Louis,
I know you can't forgive my not writing before now, so will not attempt to justify such poor taste as I have shown. Really tho I'm truthfully full of regrets. Especially after you remembered my birthday with such a swell tie. Many Thanks.

I arrived in Pendleton, after leaving Salt lake at 7 P.M.---got to thinking how Louis & Tom made it up her in one day and then my pride surged up---and---well I drove on in. Louise told me in one breath she was glad I did and said If I did something similar again I was out a wife---So guess I'll quit that stuff.

Louise and Army Jr. are swell. The baby wakes up at his usual 6 A.M. schedule & takes his daily talking exercises for an hour & a half then sleeps till I leave. He's certainly going to be very out-spoken.

The weather here has set an all time heat record for several days. We have taken to swimming in the river for relief which helps. (another reason for not writing)

Louise sends love and says she also will write. Hope Tom got set O.K. and likes his new set up. Much love and deepest respect. Bob

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