Tuesday, July 21, 2009

December 30, 1940

Dear Folks:

Just two more days and the holidays are over. They have been sort of hectic but a lot of fun. We both want to thank you for the lovely Xmas gifts. The pottery dishes were surely sweet, I hadn't seen them before. And, Mom, I'll get in a good supply of tea to use in that tea pot when you come. We have the other dishes unpacked now but still use the pottery all the time. I still think it's awfully pretty. And Bob says thanks so much for the picture, of all his presents he likes that and the pup best. And tell Tom thanks too for the hosiery and cigarettes they are both much appreciated and in demand at our house. The color is very nice---Margy must still be on the job. So thanks again--it was surely a nice Christmas.

We would have liked to be home. but it's kinda fun to look at a bunch of presents for a week and then open them all at once. We didn't wait longer than Xmas eave. So Blanche Leonard and her whole family brought him up. They honked twice and Thelma Elam went out and got him and put a big bow around his neck, put him in his basket and left him at our door. Bob was really surprised, I don't think he had the slightest idea what was going on. The little pup is the cutest thing you have ever seen. She's only two months old and the tiniest dog you ever saw. She's a red Cocker and her marcelled ears hang almost to the floor. Everybody would like to have her. Elam's come up to see her every day and tell us we have lost all our attraction, they come just to visit her. Xmas morning we invited Grover up to have a drink and spring the dog on him. He said it was all right as long as she didn't disturb anyone and she is good as can be as long as she has company. Christmas day we called on two or three people and had dinner with the Leonard's. And we are also eating turkey with them on New Year's Day. They had a big turkey given them for Xmas and insist that we come out and help them eat that one on New Year's. We feel like we are over--doing it but they are grand people and won't let you get the word "no" out. Well, to get on with my story, Thursday we went to Mr. Chandler's funeral. He is the owner of the apartment here. He had a minor operation and was getting better when he developed pneumonia and died. He was a very prominent man in Yakima and the tenants were all very fond of him. Friday I had Blanche Leonard, her daughter Irene and daughter-in-law up for lunch and the afternoon, and Bob--the big sissy insisted on coming home to lunch. They kidded him and he said he was just curious to see what I served other people for lunch and was glad to find out. It looks like more work for me from now on. Then came the week-end. yesterday wee had a company car so we drove down the valley to look at the first white settlement in this valley. Called Fort Simcoe. It's an interesting little village full of Indians now. New Year's Eve we are going to play cards with the Elam's. Well, that's our holiday program. It's not very exciting but I'm getting a little tired.

Now to tell you what Santa Claus brought us. I gave Bob the puppy and a pair of gloves and he gave me that dress I wrote about, a bottle of cologne and a mirror to hang around my neck so that I can see the back of my head. And Santa brought us a new radio. We'll still be paying Santa off for the next two Xmases but it's surely a pleasure to own. It's a Spartan combination phonograph and radio. The phonograph changes fourteen records automatically. We haven't 14 records yet, but they tell us it will work. Tom, we'll have something for you to do besides play solitaire next time you come. It's as much fun as the nickle machines --and cheaper--or maybe it isn't on second thought. It's a $225 console and we bought it for $135. If C.I.T. ever have to repossess it, we'll ship it to you for the balance. I know you'd like it. If you want a new radio sometime be sure to let Bob see what he can do for you, we got this machine at cost. Forgot to tell you what Armstrong's sent will save if for next letter.

I guess I'd better stop, you're probably weary of this. Write and tell us all about your Xmas. I'd surely like to see that beautiful new dining room set, Mom. Dang it, why can't I just run in and look. Pop, I surely hope you are feeling better by now. I want a picture when you get beautiful again. Hope you are all over the flu by now. It has been so bad in this country, they have had the schools closed. What time do you two get started on that wine now that you have all day to loaf.

Thanks again for the lovely gifts. If any of the things we sent don't fit such as Gary's suit or Tom's socks be sure to send them back. Write Soon. Love, Louise

P.S. Happy New year to all--Certainly liked your Xmas card.

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