Saturday, July 25, 2009

January 20, 1941

Dear Folks:

Well, spring hasn't come to Yakima yet, we haven't seen the sun for days and it gets pretty monotonous--makes us appreciate last winter in Boise, but I don't suppose I could ever convince you that Boise gets any sun before June.

We haven't been doing much the last week except staying in and keeping warm. Saturday night we spent the evening with a young couple by the name of Mathews, who have just built a new home here. Bob met the boy in business and he has asked us out several times but always when we were busy. They are about our age, have no children, and are very nice so I hope to see them quite often. Sunday we went out to Blanche Leonard's to see the new baby. They took her home Saturday and I have never seen anything so tiny. But she is doing fine and weighs 5 lbs already. I held her and i do hope it is more natural to handle my own child than this little mite, I felt as clumsy as a boy. And, Mom, that reminds me that I am to ask you when you are coming up. Bob is beginning to look a little worn and asks me every few days if I know yet when you plan to come. He is scared to death he is going to get caught alone with me. I tell him that you have a family of your own to care for and can't come too early but I think he feels that they can get along a lot more comfortably without you than he can. About the tatting, it really doesn't matter what pattern you use, but I will try to copy this one for you. What I want is something lacy and fussy and in white. I would like enough to do the edge of a sheet and pillow case for a buggy and we can sew it on when you come up. If you would rather crochet it, I would be just awfully pleased with it and you can use your own judgment on any pattern you think would do. Blanche is helping me do some little flannel nightgowns and I am getting a pretty good supply together. He can came anytime he wants now cause we have him all paid for. And that reminds me that you had better all give some thought to girl's names, we are concentrating on boy's only. We have Mrs. Armstrong worried. Every letter she tells us that it might be a girl and we will like her just as much, and shouldn't set our hearts on a boy. Course we really haven't.

I had a letter from Maurine today and both Roger and Seth have been in the hospital with a streptococcus infection which had spread through Seth's blood stream and paralyzed his legs and arms for a time. Roger is home now and Seth is beginning to move his hands and apparently it will turn out all right. Otherwise, they have had a very eventful year, their business boomed, they bought their own homes and had a wonderful vacation. Poor little Maurine said she was afraid all the time that things were going too well. I told her in a letter how you happened to miss her when she was in S.L. and she said she was sorry too and would have loved to had a peek at all of your but was tied with the babies.

Pop, I'm glad the manuscript looked okay. I'm afraid Tom's half is going to put me to shame. I get along just fine except for one bugaboo--I run words together. I can't blame that on the typewriter, I guess I'm just plain out of practice but I think it will look pretty good and I'll send it all to you sometime next week. Don't forget to tell me what MacMillan's have to say. I'm also anxiously waiting to see your picture on the society page once again. Better tell me who you are this time so I'll recognize you. Hope you both have a swell time at the ball. Wish we were in S. L. and we'd go with you.

Bobby's letter was sweet and tell him I'll write one of these days. Tell Tom I'm still waiting to hear from Him-a letter a month would be appreciated. Hope he makes the "A" jump with flying colors. Tell everybody help and everybody write. Love, Louise

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