Monday, July 20, 2009

December 22, 1940

Dear Mom and Pop:

I hope this reaches you before Old Saint Nick cause I'd like to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas.

It hardly seems like Xmas here, it's more like spring. It has been raining for several days but cleared off for a beautiful, warm day today. We went for a long walk this afternoon and the sun was so bright we needed colored glasses. We decorated our tree yesterday and I surely wish you could drop in and see how pretty we are, and have a drink or two with us. Well, next Christmas without fail we are going to spend the day with you. We'll drive down or better still, move down by that time. For once in my life I got my shopping done early and it's certainly a nice feeling. Your present arrived, also the one to Bob from Tom, and we haven't peeked. Course a little shaking and guessing is fair, isn't it? The basket arrived and surely looks like new, Mom. I was ashamed and afraid I've been a nuisance when I saw all the work you had gone to but it certainly will look nice under the Christmas tree with that little red pup. The packing looked like a lot of work, Pop,, and also the telephone directory. Thanks for everything, Xmas is going to be a big success. Blanche Leonard is making me a new dress, my present from Bob. It's a little number of our own design, meant to do a better job of streamlining me than most store models. If it does the trick like we think it will, I think I'll patent it. I'm convinced that someone could get rich designing maternity clothes. Blanche has asked us to have dinner with them on Xmas. So we have asked a few people to call early in the day then we are going out and spend the rest of the day with the Leonard's. They always have a house full and it's bound to be a jolly day, after all.

I got a card and little note from Jenore Seegmiller and she is going to be married sometime not too far off. She said they are just waiting to be married in the temple. He joined the church just this November. I'll bet he doesn't half know what a swell gal he's getting. Will tell you more just as soon as I can pry a letter out of her. Mary Enders also sent a note and said they would like to buy a home in Boise if they could be certain how long they would be there. Sounds like everybody is doing all right.

Well, that is about all the news for this week. Write and tell me what all you did all day the 25th. Tell Tom, Dick and Ellen and the little boys hello for us. Bob says not to leave him out this time, he sends greetings too. Have a lot of fun and tell us all about it. So Long. Love Lousie

P.S. Pop, hope you don't have too much trouble with those teeth. Hope they come out as easy as mine did. You'll have a lot of time to write--letters--in those ten days.

1 comment:

  1. I can just imagine the sight Christmas morning, right out of an old black and white movie...Bob coming down and finding a little puppy in a basket with a red bow around his neck. From what he sounds like in these letters, he must have been just thrilled!!
