Wednesday, July 29, 2009

No Date but after Robert Jr was born

Dear Folks:

I'm surely sorry to be so slow writing but I don't often have a spare moment. I have some real news for you. The bank job finally popped and Robert got it. He's thrilled to pieces and starts work with them Monday. It pays $200 a month and we have a big Studebaker sedan to drive and a 3 week vacation if we take it in the fall or winter and it starts this year. It's the First National Bank of Seattle. Bob will be bringing only automobile papers and there will be practically no night work. C.I.T. in San Francisco called immediately upon receipt of Bob's resignation and offered him the moon. Said if he wasn't satisfied because of the Seattle supervision they would give him a transfer. Wanted to know if he would like something in San Francisco's home office. But he's sticking with the bank and it has a big future. We went to Seattle over the week-end to make final arrangements. We may take over the duplex that Tiffany's lived in. They are being transferred to Seattle and it is his job Bob is taking. They have a dashing place---close to Blanche's--and it has two bedrooms and will cost us only about $5 more a month than here. Jim Elam lost his job--as they were expecting--and they don't want to move to Seattle so I don't know what they plan to do. Thelma says they will take a long vacation before they decide on anything and they are keeping their apartment. Blanche and Sid have gone. They are planning to spend one night with you if all goes well. I can't say just when it will be so they had no idea where all they might go. But it will be towards the end of their vacation and should be sometime around June 10 to 15th. Bob Jr. is growing into a bouncing boy now and is a grand good baby. He does as you hoped, Mom, lies by the hours awake without crying. I manage just fine. I wake at 7:00 in the morning and Bob has breakfast ready when I come out. Then it is a real whirl until about 2:00 in the afternoon at which time I find my house in order, myself cleaned up and a few hours to do as I please cause I still have that steady stream of daily visitors and I don't get some of the things done that I would like. I think when we move it will be different. Betty is going to work every afternoon so it looks like I might be lonesome. Then baby and I are going to relax every afternoon in our own backyard. Boy, I can't wait. I'm going to have a small picture of the baby taken and will send one. He has reached the cooing stage and smiles a lot.

This is the last sheet of Mama's stationary so must close. I'll write often now, and wish you would do the same. Hope you are all feeling first rate again and putting on weight. I'm not losing as I had liked. It seems to agree with me. Tell Tom hello and tell him to write. We'll be paying you a visit one of these fine days. We're going to spend our vacation with you. Hope you can stand it.; We can't wait. Love to all, Louise

P.S. Mr. Armstrong is very ill and they don't expect him to live long. It seems he had a stroke two or three years ago that no one knew of. Wish you would drop in some day and see them. They are all pretty low and Bob is worried about them.

1 comment:

  1. These letters are so great!! Sounds like my grandpa was a savvy business man who not only had vision, but the ability to carry something through and sell his vision to others. Kind of interesting to see how something like automobile loans, something we are accustomed to, was such a novel idea back then.
