Friday, July 24, 2009

January 13, 1941

Dear Mom and Pop:

Here it is the middle of the month again. How time flies, spring and junior will be here before I know it. We have been having some real winter weather the last few days. It's quite beautiful but gets pretty dismal with no sun shining for days. A combination of fog and cold leaves the trees solidly covered with frost and it lasts for days. It's quite lovely--provided you are inside. you, feel like you're covered with the stuff by the time you walk a block. I've never seen anything like it at home. We've been sticking inside without doing much. Bob brings his work home and even holds meetings here it's so cold in his office at night.

I don't believe I told you in the last letter that Mary Leonard--Blanche's daughter-in-law had a new baby girl last week--only 4 pounds. They keep it in a hot-box and it's doing fine, is the smallest baby in the hospital. So I had a peek inside the hospital and it seems very nice and everybody says it is one of the best. Course these Yakimans would be proud as peacocks for the mere fact that they have a hospital. I had a letter from Florence McCarthy and she is expecting a new arrival in July. She says she and Dennis will be grateful even for a Pinocchio--Dennis has a long nose, too. She sounds like the same old tot. They seem to be doing fine and she says Maurine and Seth are getting rich on that piece of property they leased on the Mount Vernon highway. They were trying to raise enough money to build a drive-in stand when I was there and apparently they have it going now. Florence didn't explain but said it was paying big dividends. Maybe the government is paying them to keep a stand off, it is the only piece of property on the whole highway from Washington D.C. to Mount Vernon that isn't owned by the government. Mom, let's you and I move back there everybody has colored help. I think you could buy a darky outright for a dollar a week. Florence is still renting but Maurine and Seth are buying their own home in Arlington, Virginia.

Pop, I am sending a chapter of Sophie for you to follow. I'm sorry I'm so slow, polygamy, itself, would probably be in vogue again by the time I did the whole book. Just as soon as I finish these twelve chapters I have I'll send the whole works to you and if Tom is in need of any help on some of the rest of them I'll be glad to help--will be glad to do the rest of them if you have the patience. Anyway, I'll have this set done by the end of this month. I surely think you have done a beautiful job of the story. I realize as I type it that you have cut it down a great deal but I can't tell where, the story is still there and is very touching. Makes me feel like someone else who read it--I've forgotten who--they said it almost made them weep in places. You might send me a copy of it complete after you get it finished, I'd like to read the rest of it.

Well, it's getting close to dinner time. Christy is hanging round the door looking for Bob. She's like Dale--too smart for me to do anything with. Pop promised me a letter from you about tomorrow, Mom, with all the news. Glad you are all better. Write often. Love Louise

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