Thursday, July 16, 2009

December 16, 1940

Dear Folks:

Just a shorty tonight. I don't know where the time goes but I never seem to get ahead of it. I received your letter this morning, Mom, telling me a package was on the way and not to open it. Well, that is just what I have been in such a sweat about getting a letter to you. I mailed a package to you and tis for Xmas and not to be opened before. you could open the big box cause the presents are wrapped separately inside and I have included Bobby and Gary's and fruit cake for Dick and Ellen. you can give it to them on Xmas or before whichever works out best for you. I sent it all in one package because I imagine they will be spending the day with you. Tell them they mustn't send anything to us cause all I sent was the cake and it may not be fit to eat. Pop's present was too big and had to be wrapped separately and I am putting it in the mail tomorrow. I couldn't get it in time to send with the others and I slipped a little card in from the outside wrapping and it may slip out and be lost so if it is gone you put a not on for us. They had it all wrapped for shipping at the store so I didn't unwrap it. I sent hose to Tom which may not be the color and size but the clerk here told me that he could exchange them at some store where the same brand was sold down there. If he can't, please return them and I'll exchange them. The giftees aren't much but carry a lot of good wishes for A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for all of you. Wish we could mail ourselves down.

yesterday we had dinner with Elams and spent the evening playing cards. This afternoon I had a session with my dentist and happy surprise--only two cavities and a cleaning job and they will be in good shape again.

Must go now. Bob has gone to bed and this typewriter is sure noisy. They are going to bring me a noiseless tomorrow. Thanks for doing all the little chores for me. Mom. Don't bother about Makoff's. I'll pick up something here I didn't disrupt your day having you scurrying around mailing me telephone directories.

The package hasn't arrived yet and when it does that is going to be a brand new kind of temptation---not opening till Xmas. But I promise not to. Will write again in a day or two. Keep me posted on what's doing for the holidays and thanks for everything. Much Love, Louise

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