Thursday, May 21, 2009

December 3, 1940

Dear Folks:

Well, I'm just trying out my new typewriter--at home. (oh, oh!) Not doing so well, am I? They sent me an Underwood instead of a Royal, which they can't let me have until the 9th. So I think I'll start out on Sophie with this one and change later--they type should look the same.

Where does the time go? The weeks surely slip along fast. I spent the afternoon making fruit cake. After a few days wrapped in wine cloths I'll taste it and if it is as good as last years, will send you a taste. It smells as good if I remember right. Tomorrow I am going out to Blanche Leonard's to spend the afternoon. A neighbor of theirs has some little red Cocker Spaniel pups and Bob wants one. I'm not sure whether I want to undertake the care of one of the little things so I am going to tell Robert that they have all been promised and then decide whether or not I want one. If I decide on it I am going to wrap it up in bows and give it to him for Xmas. I am going to look at them tomorrow and you know what happens once I've seen some of these cute little pets--just can't resist keeping it. We are certainly going to be a large family if we keep this up.

I must tell you about nearly losing my husband. I still feel queer when I think about it. One day last week they had a big explosion over in Toppenish, killing eight people and injuring a number of others. It was an old warehouse with a number of small stores on its mail floor. That morning Bob and the new FHA man went over to see some dealers. One man they wanted to see in particular was at home ill. They phoned from his office and he told them to wait and he would be down in about fifteen minutes. So they went into a cafe--in this building--to have a cup of coffee and wait. He finally came and they finished their business and left the town about 11:15--at 11:30 the warehouse, including cafe, blew sky high. Bob says he can relax now--after that he feels that he's safe for the winter.

That's about the only thrilling news from Yakima this week. I'm surely sorry to hear of Mrs. Clowes. She's such a lovely woman. Hope she manages to live a long time in spite of the doctors. I can imagine how they all feel. Getting along without her would be really hard on her family.

I wish we could have spent Thanksgiving visiting with you all. I don't think I'd know Fent if I were to see him. How many chilluns does he have now? We have been taking it easy since the big dinner. We have seen a couple of shows and Saturday night we played Tripoli with the Elams and another couple here in the apartment and what we do with the rest of our time I don't know. Speaking of Elams, thanks so much for sending a Makoff catalog. It hasn't arrived as yet but I'm anxiously waiting for it. I surely hate to sit up here for Xmas. I hope next year we are a lot closer. A person must be born and raised here to like this town. But if you happen to be a native...well, they think it's the only spot on earth. I'd like to shake some of them it sounds so silly to hear them praising this Indian Village but I suppose a lot of people may have felt the same way about me when I talk of S.L. Bob is thinking of joining the Junior Chamber but Jim Elam is trying to get him into Senior Chamber of Commerce, Rotary or Lions. He tells him that all Junior members are second or third in command in their companies and Bob should join a more important group. But I want him in the Junior organization so that we will know a few people our own age. Seems that everyone we meet are people along in their thirties. Well, I guess we are destined to grow old before our time.

My, my what alot of complaints for one evening. What's that? You have all decided to have a second glass of wine before you go on with this? Well, Loganberry should do the trick. Did you tell me once that it keeps you awake or puts you to sleep? I must stop now and get this in a sealed envelope before Robert comes home and finds out what his Xmas present is going to be. He's at the office. I was going to walk down and write there but I got lazy and stayed home.

Tell everybody hello and tell Tom I've missed his weekly letter for the last three weeks. I spend all day Sundays wondering if he is diving off Ecker's "A" jump. Write often. Much Love, Louise

1 comment:

  1. Any more letters??? I really love reading them. They are so candid and intimate and what I really love the most is that by reading them, it is like grandma is still here. For my questions: where is Sophie? Who weighs 125 lbs when 6 months pregnant? Where was Markoffs? Where can I get a roaster for .89?:)
