Friday, May 1, 2009

August 18, 1940

Dear Mom and Pop:

Guess you think I have forgotten you all but I am in the midst of moving and it's hot and since I'm my Mother's child, I guess I'm getting slow, too. Glad to hear you are all putting in full time to be ready for that vacation in time. Pop, I bet you are going to be happy when you finally get your work all done and find you have another week before vacation and won't have a thing to do. Guess you wonder what I'm talking about but you apparently wrote your last note on the 15th and dated it the 21st. It gave me quite a start cause I hadn't been paying much attention to the date lately...don't know which day of the week it is most of the time so I grabbed a calendar in a hurry and found it was your mistake. But we are just about in shape now and waiting to relax with you for a couple of weeks. If you leave the 31st and arrive here on Sunday the 1st that will be swell. I take it you plan to stop for the night and that will probably be Boise. Be sure and leave there early Sunday so you will get in here early evening and I am going to put you to bed early and Monday--Labor Day---I plan to drag you up the valley about 37 miles to Ellensburg where they are holding a famous rodeo. It's the last day and it isn't far and I know you'll enjoy it. Next to Pendelton it's the biggest rodeo in this country--is really quite a famous one. Then we'll do anything we can think of after that. Don't know whether you are even considering going to British Columbia and don't want to urge you but just in case you are it would probably be a smart idea to bring along some means of identification for you all--including me if you can think of anything. I don't even know what to suggest. A birth certificate would probably cinch it for everybody but I don't suppose you have them lying around down there in a trunk, do you? Don't go to any special trouble, it may be that your car license or such will do the trick.

Bob says birth certificates are necessary. He could probably get mine and Bob's at Country Building and write for the rest, if your interested.

Mom, did you see what I found for you? Maybe you have already run across the picture in Life of your great-great-grandpappy Hendricks or whatever he was. But I remembered you mentioning one night that one of your ancestors was vice-president, so it must be this man. Find him? He's sure a Hendricks if I have ever seen one. Wonder if his middle name is Alma by chance? Mrs. Armstrong will probably get a few things of Bob's together that you might bring, don't know just what it might be so if you will just call by they will have it ready--if anything. Had a letter from Mrs. Armstrong and she mentioned your visit, said she enjoyed it so much and also said you looked just like a young girl. What's the big idea?

I wish we could have gone to the Hendricks reunion. Sometime when we drive home I plan to go round by Cache Valley and have Bob meet everybody. How are they all? And every time I think of the roast chicken my mouth waters.

Tom, thanks for the swell letter. After vacation I'm going to write once a week to you if you promise to answer. Glad to hear you are going back to the U next quarter. Might study a Little journalism yourself. With Pop's help, a little study and your gift of gab and sense of humor you could probably do something for yourself. You know, let them send you all over the world to the hot spots to do a little hot reporting. Imagine that would be a natural for a person who enjoys jumping off mountain tops.

Well, must go. We are going out to Mitchell's for stew and relax in their back yard. Will write again and may think some more things to annoy you about. Let me know before you leave exactly how you intend to drive it, so I'll know just when to look for you.

Oh, nearly forgot. Please send me my social security number. No wisecracks. I clerked one day at Barnes-Woodin Department store. Mrs. Elam does it occasionally and I told her I though it would be fun so she called one day and said they could use me on Dollar Day. Boy what a job. I told them I had had some experience years ago and thy have probably made up there own minds on that point since then. Anyway, they won't pay me my $2.50 until I have my number and ever time I write, I forget to ask for it. Even meant to tell you about it long ago and forgot to.

Write and come whenever you are ready and drive carefully. So Long. Love, Louise.

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