Saturday, May 2, 2009

September 30, 1940

Dear Folks:

Hear I am at last. Have been trying for days to get a letter off but hate to write long hand--always leave much out--and I haven't been able to get down to the office. We are both fine and enjoying Yakima's nice fall weather. Hope the natives aren't lying when they say it lasts till Thanksgiving or Christmas. Saturday afternoon Bob and I went to the Fair. Then Sunday afternoon we had dinner at the Elam's--our neighbors downstairs--and they wanted to see the exhibits so we went out again. Guess and hope we'll never grow up. This is only the Central Washington Fair but the fairgrounds are quite beautiful and large. At one time the State Fair was held here but they haven't had one for sometime. They have lots of lawn and some beautiful big buildings. I suppose the Utah Fair is in full swing or over by now. Would like to see the countryside down that way just now. Things either don't get colorful here or it turns much alter in the season.

Well, Mom, I'm glad to hear you are feeling better now. I told you to lie down and go to sleep over at Tahoe but you wouldn't mind and you know what always happens to girls who don't mind. I hope you now have your winter case of the flu over with. Was not surprised to hear that Carol Snow has decided to take on a mission. She has tried just about everything from a chorus line in N. Y. to a mission. John Ireland--her troublesome boy friend--told Bob he was going to Los Angeles the first of this month on a vacation and intended to look around for a new position down there. So Carol may not get up in this country at all but will likely be wherever he is. Well, well, I guess that's pretty catty and Carol has always been very friendly. It would be sorta nice to have someone like her here provided they didn't move in. I am having a terrible time trying to plan menus. It's bad enough when you can eat everything but when you have to have certain foods every day it's impossible. One thing it does for you...makes you lose any appetite you have. I can't for the life of me remember the two or three dishes you told me about when you were up, so will you please write them down for me. I think one of them was one of your own--something not too hard and absolutely necessary. I don't expect to make any clothes but suppose I should make some one thing or people will think I'm not interested.

Pop, I'm glad you are sending the novel along soon. I'm really anxious to get started on it. Are you sure you don't want it in delicate? It doesn't take any more time and I thought I could keep the originals--so they wouldn't get messed up--and send the duplicates back to you from time to time. Then if there are any corrections you could make them and send them back to me. Bob is anxious to read it. He's not going to like having to tart with the middle of the book and reading the first chapter later. I'm only kidding. Send it anytime it is ready and any part of it. I'll leave the paging until it's finished. We are reading "Think and Grow Rich." The Elams were raving about the book. Insisted Bob take it and read it. So I offended them when we left. I told them I'd read it, too, just to make sure we got rich. They both blushed and said they guessed they should read it again, they must have missed its message after all. Tell Tom I am really enjoying "Inside Europe." Things begin to look really bad for us just now. I think the German's must make the English feel the same way the Japs make me feel...not scared but just plain mad.

Bob is still pouring the heat on his credit man and since I'm out of news for tonight, I think I'll go now and put a stop to it. I'm beginning to feel sorry for him, too. I still have my sights set on S.L. sometime in the not too far away future and am carrying on a steady and, I think, convincing campaign to get Bob Salt lake conscious, too. So perhaps one of these days we can do our visiting in person instead of by mail. I guess you are getting weary of my running on when i haven't anything much to tell you. Tell everyone hello and write often. I think I should get more letters with three of you down there. Goodnight. Love Louise

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