Wednesday, May 13, 2009

November 9, 1940

Dear Mother, Dad & Tom:

Thanks so much for the very sweet anniversary gift. You are not among the first--but the first--to give the little stranger a gift. He can't miss being awfully nice wearing such pretty things. It is the first little chenille blanket I have ever seen. Should be nice and warm and soft. I can't decide whether to leave it done up so nicely and keep it clean or take it all out and handle it and look at it. It will probably be worn out before he ever arrives...the temptation is too much.

I'm sorry I'm so slow writing. Have been trying to get at it since the gift arrived but have been kept busy every minute it seems. It came on Wednesday and that night Elams came in. Thursday I washed and that evening Mr. Baker--district manager--and his wife took us to dinner. Then Friday I invited her over to spend the afternoon rather than sit in a hotel room and had them for dinner. If this dinner business keeps up I'll be ready to cook for the King of Denmark. They still worry me but usually turn out pretty well. I was proud of myself last night. Mrs. Baker said anyone who could make muffins as delicious as mine shouldn't have to worry about cooking anything. I didn't tell her that that was one thing I learned to cook at home a long time ago.

We had an enjoyable little anniversary party all by ourselves. Bobby sent me a dozen beautiful red roses. We both startled the town by dressing up and having dinner at the hotel. Then we went to a picture show. By 10:30 it was all over and there we were all dressed up and no where to go and didn't want to go home so we spent another hour over a couple of ice cream sodas. But it was fun. Wish you could all have been along we would have really had a time. Bob told me to go ahead and buy the rugs I wanted and we would call it an anniversary gift for both of us but I can't find just what I want. I thought I had my mind made up. I let one clerk tell me a certain throw rug was alright for a hall. I liked it but was afraid it looked like a bedroom rug so I waited. This afternoon I took Bob in to see it and another clerk told us they were bedroom rugs. Ho Hum..I think I'll leave the hall bare just to be on the safe side.

It surely seemed good to talk to you. I guess I should pay half the bill, though. Bob asked me after how long I insisted on talking. Said that was the way I used to be with him, just refused to hang up. Pop, did you hear me say hello and then tell the operator to wait a minute while I called Mrs. Armstrong. Thought I'd better explain. I had just crawled out of the tub and didn't have a thing on--remember? Just as I said hello I hear Thelma Elam come out of her apartment and most of the time she just gives a couple of little raps on my door and walks on in and I was afraid she might be on her way up to see me so that's why I had the operator wait while I ran for a cover. And this all reminds me that we owe Dr. Sugden a bill which I suppose you got. We would like to pay it. After a grand vacation then to come down and run up doctor bills and have you paying for my prescriptions is just too much. So please let me know what it was.

Where's Sophie? I've been expecting her every day but she hasn't arrived. Hope you haven't changed your mind again. Shall I let Bob read it? or wait till it goes to print. He asks me quite often when it will be here. I'm still looking for it.

Well, Monday is a holiday. I don't know what we'll do. We thought of driving a CIT car to Boise but decided against it when we thought of the bus trip back. It would be fun to go over and see everybody but I suppose this was the last chance, I expect winter here any day. It rains most of the time now and is getting pretty cold. My fur coat arrived and it surely feels good.

Must go now and do a little job for Bob. About the election, I have to smile, too. People in this town were really mad too. I'm beginning to wonder who voted for Roosevelt. This town was so gloomy you expected to see the flags at half mast. I think I'm the only Democrat in town.

Maybe I'll send you a fruit cake to go with that wine, Mom. I'm really thinking about trying it by myself. So if thy are good you'll have one.

Thanks, Tom, for the nice long letter. Seemed swell to hear from you and I'm going to answer it one day next week. A whole letter just to you. And don't forget that promise you made in a weak moment---a letter once a week. So long. Love Louise

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