Monday, May 11, 2009

November 4, 1940

Dear Folks:

Just a shorty tonight. I'm going to write to Aunt Hazel and thank her for that lovely blanket. I had every good intention of telling you to keep it there and use it if S. L. gets any colder cause I have the big trunk full of blankets and the other down quilt now. It is pretty cold here nights but I think one quilt and blanket will be all we'll use again this winter. I'm just hoping the moths don't hear about the rest of the bedding in the basement. Goodness what has happened to the weather down there. Was just reading that you have snow already--also about the airplane crash. seems they just have to have one every year. It is surely too bad. Speaking of planes, what are Tom's aviator friends all doing this winter. Did they automatically join the army or do they go to school?

Tomorrow is an awfully important day...our anniversary and the election. Time certainly flits along. Wonder where we'll be this time next year. Green--the New Business Man I wrote about--says Bob should be in the selling division. So maybe if he talks enough Bobby will get another promotion sometime in the future. Hope they move us in that general direction. I guess Bob and I won't need to ever bother about voting since he is strictly Republican and I suppose I'm Democrat. At any rate I had made up my mind to vote for Roosevelt again. We automatically cancel the Armstrong votes so we don't feel so bad. But I think I'm going to win a dollar from him, anyway. We plan to get all dolled up and have dinner and then see a show or maybe play Bingo. Anyway, it will be a big evening. That's about all the splurging you can do in Yakima. I'm still trying to think of something for my husband to give me. Can't decide whether to get rugs for my hall or clothes for myself. Guess I'll pull a fasty and get rugs. I'm going to have to get clothes soon anyway. Don't tell Bob. (She's 5 months pregnant)

Pop. I can't wait to get those chapters of Sophie. I'm as anxious to read them as I am to type them, so hurry them along. Time is gone thing I have too much of. I'll be looking for it. So send them along as fast as you get them ready.

Mom, you are too ambitious. Makes me feel guilty. My place is getting pretty dirty and I think every day I'll start doing a little cleaning but I always think of something more fun. I did get one job done but I didn't do it. I talked Pokey Grover into kalsomining my dirty closets and then I straightened them up. We bought a little chest of drawers and had them painted and I planned to use it for little clothes as I buy them. Well, all the drawers are full right now and I haven't bought a single thing yet. I would certainly appreciate something like your linen closet. I guess a woman never has enough drawer space.

Sorry we couldn't drop in for duck dinner. We had two ducks given to us but I'm afraid I'm not that advance in my cooking--they weren't so good. Maybe it was because we didn't have wine with old toppers.

Well, I'd better stop or Aunt Hazel will get slighted on her letter. Sorry there isn't much news this time...but maybe something will happen worth writing about in this town some day.

Tell everyone hello and write often. Tell Tom not to write and tell me he has been too busy studying to write. He's got to have a better excuse for me than that. Would like to hear from him. Goodnight. Love Louise

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