Tuesday, May 12, 2009

November 16, 1940

Dear Folks:

Meant to write earlier in the week but have been pretty busy. This afternoon I am doing a little job for Bob and thought I'd dash off a letter and then try to do a better one early next week. They took my screens down and thus forced me to do a little housecleaning. And I am trying to get my kitchen in better shape for Thanksgiving as we are going to really have that turkey dinner with trimmings. Armstrongs wrote awhile back that they would like to drive up for Thanksgiving but they haven't let us know definitely yet so I imagine they are probably still considering it. If they don't come then we are going to have Bob's credit man and family--the Mitchells--in. They invited us out to their place but we have had dinner with them a couple of times and have never had them back so thought it would be a good time to do it. And Bob is determined that we are going to do a turkey of our own if we have to stay home and eat it alone. He came home yesterday to lunch as proud as could be and announced that he had just had our "turk" put away so we would be sure to have a good one. You'd have thought he had just been out and killed it himself. I saw it later and it is a beauty--12 pounds--hope I can do justice by him. I am going to have the good old dinner we always have at home with my favorite fruit salad and I hope the dressing is half as good as yours and I'll be happy, Mom.

Well Sophie arrived Tuesday, Pop, in fine shape. It must be good. I haven't had time to any more than look through it but Bob settled down that night and read most of it and finished it the next evening. He says it is a very interesting story and to hurry up with some more of it. He can't bear to get hold of a good story and read it serially. He said some very flattering things about it. Said you did something he had wanted and tried to do all his life but couldn't--you seem to be able to put into words what you feel. Guess that is the secret of successful writing come to think of it. I will get on it shortly after Thanksgiving and make it look beautiful, too. I'll work on it a little each day and should have it done in no time. I mean to ask each time I write--shall I use the larger or elite type? Would you like me to send it to you as I finish it--I mean several chapters at a time. How would it be if I sent you the seconds and did not put the page numbers on until it is complete. That way you could make any corrections you might want to and I could do it over where you want it and then finish up the headings when you are finally satisfied with it.

Got your letter this morning, Mom, and am happy to hear you are all well. Sounds like they are busy at the office--working on a holiday--that's swell but I guess the girls don't think so. We'd surely like to spend Thanksgiving with your but that and Christmas are definitely out this year. But I have big thinks planned for next year about this time. I am going and spend a few weeks if I have to leave Bob and junior home. I saw my doctor yesterday and everything seems to be coming along in perfect shape. My heart's perfect, blood pressure always normal and weight creeping up a little at a time. I weigh 125 lbs now. Mom, you'd say I look just right. I like my doctor and am constantly hearing good reports on him. So I feel just swell--have a big appetite and an unusual amount of energy for me. I'm to expect him around March 27 which is earlier than I planned. ( Bob Jr. was born March 5) So tell the boys to plan on batching it about a week or so ahead of that time and a long time after, Mom.

Robert is piling my desk up with work so I must go. Looks like I might work here. Must tell you about something that happened. Bob hired a girl named Katheryn Armstrong and San Francisco went crazy--thought it was me. Had Mr. Baker, district manager, look into it. So I had a lot of fun kidding Mr. Baker last time he was here. I ask him if he thought San Francisco would kick up much of a fuss if they heard about me working Saturday afternoons and evenings--for nothing.

Hope you have a pleasant Thanksgiving and tell everyone there hello for us. Would like to see the boys. Gary has a birthday soon now. Tell Tom I'm still thinking about that letter. Write often. Love, Louise

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