Friday, May 15, 2009

November 26, 1940

Dear Folks:

Here I am, late again but I have been honestly busy. We got through Thanksgiving nicely. Our turkey was perfect and so were his trimmings. The dressing rated comment--it was tasty, so maybe all I need is a little coaching and I could cook. The Mitchell's had dinner with us. Did I tell you that we bought an 89 cent roaster that just holds a 12 pound turk beautifully and it surely does a lovely job of self-basting. Blanche Leonard told me about it and it saves a lot of fussing with the bird. Course we basted it every now and then just cause we couldn't keep our heads out of the oven. It is one of Kress specials but works. Blanch now used aluminum and says it doesn't do a better job and I don't know how anything could be nicer than our turkey turned out. Friday night two of the FHA boys from Portland came over and had cold turnkey dinner with us and Saturday I relaxed and went to bed about 8:00. One of the FHA fellows from Portland is going to be in this branch and make his home here. He is married and has a two-year old but is leaving his family in Portland until the first of the year. He's a nice young fellow around thirty and I am just hoping his wife is as nice. We'll enjoy having them here. Anyway, he is pretty lonesome just now and spent Sunday at our place. He took us for a ride and we fixed a bite to eat after. I'm going to send CIT an expense account and list dinners for all their employees we have stop with us. Sounds nasty but it gets a bit tiresome there are so many of them coming through constantly. Guess it's my fault, I should never have started it. I intended to write last night and the Elams came that accounts for late letter this week.

Heavens what will happen in S.L. next. I was shocked to hear of Anne Finch. I saw a little of this trouble they had when I was at Mack's but had no idea it was so serious. I guess Paul and Billie feel terrible. There seems to be trouble everywhere. Do you remember me talking about little Betty Mitchell? She is the credit man's daughter and has just been put in a sanitarium for Tuberculosis. She is such a nice little girl...very pretty a smart. I surely feel sorry about it. Every now and then Bob and I quit feeling sorry for ourselves. I was surely sorry to hear about Mrs. Clowes. She is a very nice person and I always liked her. I hope she gets along without any more trouble. And poor Dave Coursey it's going to be hard on him in the hospital with no beers. All joking aside I do hope it isn't anything serious. If you see Mom Coursey you might tell her hello for me and wish a speedy recovery for her husband.

Well, Pop. I haven't had a moment for Sophie but now the holiday is over I have big plans for her. I think I'll get along without any difficulty following it. I shouldn't be too much out of practice so don't worry and do your worst. I'll be showing you what I can do with it one of these first days.

Mom, I'm anxious to hear about your thanksgiving...and who all was there...or would you rather I didn't bring it up. I'll bet it was good and we hated to be amoung the missing. Now Xmas is upon us. Would you do something for me in your wanderings around town. I would like to give Thelma Elam some little thing like the little bottle of Devon Violets we bought at Makoff's for Emma Flandro one year. Do you remember? But...I can't give her that exact gift cause I gave her a little bottle of violet perfume on her birthday. I thought perhaps they might have some other novelty just as pretty and as inexpensive and I would like to have it come from Makoff's done up in one of their extra special wrappings. So if you would browse around and tell me what you find I may have you send me something from there. Don't worry about it but some day when you are down just take a quick look. It isn't important and I can always pick up something here. The only trouble is she spends all her time shopping the stores and knows where everything is and what it cost.

We must be leaving now this office is getting chilly. And you haven't got all the winter down your way. It snowed the day before Thanksgiving and is darned cold. Bob tells everybody that I think an apple and a mile a day keeps the doctor away. I've been pretty good about walking that mile so far, but a quick sprint around the block keeps my figure beautiful these days. Tell everybody hello and write often. Love Louise

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