Saturday, May 9, 2009

October 21, 1940

Dear Folks:

Here is another week slipped by. Where does time go? The weather is lovely still, the days are almost too hot for a coat. Yesterday was the opening of pheasant season and Bobby, Sidney and another friend of the Leonards got six birds. They cleaned all of them and Blanche Leonard cooked them and a lot of other delicious things and we had that pheasant dinner I have been secretly hoping I would get in on. The boys went out at seven in the morning and about ten Blanche picked me up and we tried to find them. We thought we would do a little tramping through the fields with them but we missed them and had a nice long ride. Sidney has a bird dog which he claims to have trained by himself and is very proud of. They have kept him chained up for a week now waiting for opening of the season. last year someone stole him a few days before and he came home after it was all over. So just as the boys were ready to leave at break of dawn, they untied Pat the dog and he made a dash out of the yard and up the street. Blanche said she has never heard so much shouting and cussing and coaxing in all her life. But they lured him back and everything else went along nicely. We topped the whole dinner off with pumpkin pie with cream and I've been uncomfortable ever since. Wish you could all have been here.

Speaking of good dinners and nice butchers, Mom, mine is not so bad. Saturday Bob wished all afternoon he had a piece of venison. He went shopping with me and was kidding the butcher about selling him a piece from somebodies deer. He showed us steaks and lamb chops until his counter had cleared then brought out a big part of a deer and cut us a beautiful steak...and gave it to us. So we are doing pretty well this hunting season. Is suppose Aunt Hazel brought you some deer meat as usual.

Pop, we finally got Children of God from the library. I read it in the day and Bob at night. I hate to criticise a book rated so high but so far--I have read about a fourth of it--it's a bit dull. Joseph Smith and his visions get too monotonous. Seems he should either have made a history of it or put a little color of his own in and made it a real novel. I imagine the last half is much better. At least the part the Readers Digest used was interesting.

Last Thursday night we went to the opening of the ice arena. Bob and one of the office crew skated and I watched. Wish I were such a good skater I could be sure I wouldn't fall and I'd try it. Looks like wonderful exercise. Then we drove out to the opening of a new gambling place. It's called Bingo and is ten cents a game. It is just like keno only the players take part. They take turns tossing a ball onto a table to find each number. They were paying $4 each game that night and Bob won $6...He won once and the next game two cards won and they split the pay. I think Yakima is going to be more interesting int he winter. I'm not so mad at Bob about the Reno episode now.

Well, Bob is ready to call it a day so will close. His credit man has been charging him overtime about every other night for the last month and every time we drop in there is no one here. So Bob swears he's going to spend every evening at the office for awhile and either make the guy put in the time or at least find out if he comes down. So I'll probably write again in a few days---I don't mean to sit home.

Hope you are all well. What is Tom doing? Tell him to write and tell the kids hello. Goodnight. Love, Louise.

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