Thursday, July 30, 2009

June 29, 1941

Dear Family

So sorry to be so slow but things have been piling up on me lately and are just clearing. I had the little boy's picture taken on his third birthday and meant to send one immediately and here he is almost four months.

Mom, you gave him a swell start don't you think? Looks like another giant in the family. He's sure a tall husky--not fat but muscle bound. He's as hard as a rock and good as gold. Even the Doc admits he's a swell boy, and that's something from my Dr. He doesn't just smile now but chuckles and talks--honest. I can almost get what he says sometimes. Course he wouldn't smile for the cameras, he's too sincere. Wish you could see him. He weights 14 pounds now. Well, my vacation comes in the fall and he'll be cuter still when I come bouncing home with him then. We plan to have these little pictures taken every month until he's old enough to sit alone then we'll send a big one.

Bob is going to fly to S.L. over the 4th and drive a company car home (back to Yakima). His dad is failing fast and he of course wants to see him before he goes. He doesn't know about a vacation this year after all--but I get one for sure and will see you a little later.

Now a little news. Bob joined the Lion's Club and they held a convention here last weekend. We were busy attending all the functions and met some nice people from here, Spokane and Seattle. We have been moving the last two weeks and I am just getting settled. We have a wonderful duplex-big as a house and very attractive. Baby has his own room and a big crib now. His room is going to be the prettiest in the house. We are almost in the country, have a lovely view yard and sunshine for Jr. Looks like we will become substantial citizens. Bob's work is so much lighter and he enjoys it so much, he's a changed man--has all his evenings at home (a treat for all), spends a good part of his time selling and taking afternoons off to play golf. We have a Studebaker Commander to use, a beautiful car. I know how Cinderella felt, seems like we got everything at once. They say every new baby brings good huh, Our little tyke did alright for us.

Blanche came over the night they got home and told us they had a wonderful time in S.L. and you were simply grand to them, couldn't do enough. She's such a nice person. She likes you all so much and said to thank you. Sid said he made arrangements to have Blanche write when I didn't. I've had a lot of fun telling her she owes you a couple of letters by now.

Must close so Bob can run down town and mail this tonight. Don't tell his Mother he is flying--she worries about it. He is riding to Boise with the Davies and taking a plan from there. I'll write oftener now and you all do the same. Give my love to Dick and Ellen and tell them I'll write and send a picture. Where's Tom? There are 3 cars in S.L. Ask him how he'd like to drive one here with Rob and stay awhile. Write soon. Hope you're all well. Love, Louise.

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