Saturday, July 25, 2009

Letter From Bob January 20, 1941

Dear Louis:

I have been trying through my illustrious brother to secure some information regarding a set-up which I feel certain is hot at the present time. As Bill is either too busy or has had too much grief in the family, with the death of Mrs. Snow, I am still without the information.

I am certain the First Security chain of banks in Utah, Idaho and Wyoming are going very strongly into retail conditional sales financing on automobile. There is a local chain of banks through Washington who have also gone into this type of financing very strongly with a great deal of success. I have been studying their operations since I have been in Yakima and as I now have a fair knowledge of their operation, I am positive I can show the First Security System a very good profit and a definite plan that can be immediately put into effect. In short, I desire to take over and supervise their entire operation in this field.

There is nothing like aiming high, and if not the supervision of this set-up, I feel that I would at least be able to get a substantial income and a residence closer to home. After this lengthy discussion, the information I need are the names of the presidents, vice-presidents, or general manager, whom I can contact by mail or phone, who will have enough authority to make such an appointment. Needless to say this job should pay a minimum of $225 a month to start, plus expenses. I do not wish to burden you with these details, what with the Hotel Utah advertising and a few more of the best accounts in Salt Lake City, I know you are busy, however, as Louise has stated you would very likely have access to this information and since I can't get any action from Bill, anything you can do will be appreciated from he bottom of my heart and I will also let you take me on another vacation t no cost to myself.

We are now counting the days for the arrival of our "son and heir" and are naturally expecting a visit from it's Grandfather Larsen before he is very many days old if nothing more than to show him his Grandfather's fine new white teeth. After all he will have to learn to appreciate beauty. Not only that but I'm curious to know if they will really work on a steak. Your Loving Son-in Law, Bob

If given chance I guarantee to show a profit by putting out a Profit and Loss statement or I'm out defiantly. (sounds big but it's a cinch)

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