Thursday, July 23, 2009

January 6, 1941

Dear Folks:

Well here I am at last. I thought that after Christmas I'd have all the leisure time in the world, then shoved that idea along to after New Year's and I'm still bustling around barely keeping up with the things I have to do. Bob has gone to a Sigma Chi dinner and election of officers for the alumnae group here. This is the first meeting he has managed to get to and they have been meeting for some months now. I wish he would go regularly. It would be a good way to meet some younger people. I had another session with my dentist this afternoon--one more trip and I'm through. I started out with only two cavities and every time I go I have worn out another tooth. Guess I'll have mine pulled too. how are you feeling by now, Pop? Better I hope. Doesn't being as pretty as Clark Gable make up for all the discomfort. I hope you are all over the flu, too. You've been holding out on me. Mrs. Armstrong writes that Ellen cooked your Xmas dinner because Mom had been so sick with the flu. In both of your letters you made it sound like you had a touch of the stuff for only a day or so. I hope you are all feeling better now. You can't keep a thing from us--we aren't so far away. I did a little worrying about Tom New Year's night. We came back from Leonard's just in time to hear KSL's late news broadcast and they announced that four members of a skiing party had been caught in a slide at Alta. Mom said Tom had gone skiing but didn't say where. Next day I received Pop's letter saying Tom was doing only the jumps this winter. It was the only time I had ever felt comfortable about his jumping. Has he done the "A" yet. Ask him when he is going to be too old for all that stuff.

We had a nice New Year's day. It was certainly swell to talk with you. We went to Leonard's for a monstrous turkey dinner and had a nice day. Thursday I washed and meant to write Friday night but Bob had a business meeting here at the apt. Their office is so cold they can't stand it after five o'clock. Saturday we played poker with Elam's and another couple here in the apartment by the name of Davis. They are from Spokane and are a lot of fun, but, as usual, they are older folks--in their forties, I'd say. Next Saturday night they are going to play at our house so I must spend this week doing a little cleaning around the place.

I thoroughly enjoyed myself this afternoon after the dentist. I bought a layette in one felswooop. Penney's had just gotten in their new stock and I hurried and bought them out. I think it is the smartest way to buy the things--at least it is the easiest. Everything was new and pretty and I discovered that it is smart to have a spring baby there are so many things you don't need. I have decided to make a buggy do instead of a basket. It won't be as pretty but we haven't room for everything and they get out of baskets so soon and into cribs. Mom, do you think you'd have time to crochet or tat an edge for a little sheet and pillow slip just big enough to fit an ordinary size buggy. Do you remember the tatting you put on some pillow slips for me? Well, they are the prettiest I have, I think, and I'd love to have a set for the baby. I promised to quit being a nuisance after Xmas...but, after the baby I will.

Well, I guess that about completes my dairy for the week. We have the cutest, cussed est little hound you ever saw. We'd give her away only we like her soo much. I have a leash for her and drag her around the block ever now and then. But winter set in again and we have had snow for the last two or three days which puts an end to our exercise. I just remembered that I meant to tell you what Armstrong's gave us for Xmas. Mrs. Armstrong gave me a lovely night gown and bob hosiery and hankies. And Helen sent a twin-oven waffle iron from the whole family, she says. It's a treat worth looking forward to, having waffles ready as fast as you can eat them.

Oh yes, and about Sophie, Pop. I have to have the twelve chapters I already have, finished by the end of this month. I really enjoy working on it and, thought, I must admit I am slow I would like to do all of it. Unless you are anxious to get it finished, send the rest of it to me.

Everybody write and I do hope you are all well again. Tell the kids and babies hello. Love, Louise

P.S. Tom, now the New Year is here you might keep that resolution to write every week that you made in 1940. Who was it said he didn't make any new ones because he had some left over from last year he hadn't kept yet. What is Bud Christensen doing in S.L.? I have been expecting him to call on me. I thought he was in Seattle.

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