Monday, August 10, 2009

September 24, 1941

Dear Folks,

Just a line while Bob is writing. Thanks so much for the nice birthday gift. It made me feel a little better about being 29. I haven't spent it yet but will tell you what I finally decide on.

I can't think. Bob is trying his hand at advertising copy, and is thinking out loud. Pop, will you please hurry and dash something off so I can go to bed nights. I have to sit up and listen to it and boy is he full of ideas. It seems we are always bothering you with something, but we will really appreciate a little of your professional help in this job. They expect big things of Bob and he's anxious to "floor them" with something smart. Maybe something may come of it. We don't know what advertising connections they have in Seattle but if they let Bob have a free hand here maybe it would be a gorgeous "in" for you with them. If you don't want to be bothered or haven't the time just tell us and Robert can wow them with his smashing copy and ideas.

Well, I've joined the Church and it's most time consuming. They are building a big, new, $15,000 church here. I didn't know that when I let them talk me into being Secretary of the Primary. I rather enjoy it, though. They have little get-togethers and really do a nice thing for the children in the small, outlying town. Most of the children who attend the Primary meetings are non-member children and it is just about their only social life. Course it's good missionary work for the Church, too. One of the missionary ladies here is named Moore and her father teaches Seminary at North Cache in Richmond. He also taught at Rick's academy at one time. They live in Smithfield and I'll bet you know them.

Bill Epperson called me up the other day. He was just going thru and had a few minutes but promised to come over sometime and spend a week-end with us. I guess you know he is at Fort Louise and he hates the life.

A week ago Saturday Wimm and Heloise payed us an unexpected call. They were on their way to Seattle to visit some old schoolmates. They promised to call you when they get home and tell you all about the city.

Mom, I surely enjoyed your newsy letter and the clippings. Such goings-on. I guess just about everyone I know is married now. Wish you'd write more often, though.

I must stop and get some sleep now. bobby is fine except he is allergic to food. But he gains on it. He weighs 20 lbs now and is getting so darn cute. We are getting all set for our vacation. Think I'll wait until after our anniversary on the 5th of Nov. and leave Saturday Nov. 8th and stay until Thanksgiving. Can you stand it that long? Am enclosing a couple of snaps to show you how big he's getting. When we learn how to operate all the gadgets on the new camera we'll send better ones.

Tell my brothers they'd both better write or I'm going to take them off my mailing list. How are the little boys? I guess Bobby is a young man by now.

How you are well. Write Often, Much Love, Louise

P.S. Mom, I'm saving the Rinso tabs for a set of kitchen silver. Will you save yours and send to me every time you accumulate a few. We have the spoons and they are pretty.

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