Friday, July 31, 2009

Letter from Robert July 19, 1941

Dear Ada & Louis,
I know you can't forgive my not writing before now, so will not attempt to justify such poor taste as I have shown. Really tho I'm truthfully full of regrets. Especially after you remembered my birthday with such a swell tie. Many Thanks.

I arrived in Pendleton, after leaving Salt lake at 7 P.M.---got to thinking how Louis & Tom made it up her in one day and then my pride surged up---and---well I drove on in. Louise told me in one breath she was glad I did and said If I did something similar again I was out a wife---So guess I'll quit that stuff.

Louise and Army Jr. are swell. The baby wakes up at his usual 6 A.M. schedule & takes his daily talking exercises for an hour & a half then sleeps till I leave. He's certainly going to be very out-spoken.

The weather here has set an all time heat record for several days. We have taken to swimming in the river for relief which helps. (another reason for not writing)

Louise sends love and says she also will write. Hope Tom got set O.K. and likes his new set up. Much love and deepest respect. Bob

Thursday, July 30, 2009

June 29, 1941

Dear Family

So sorry to be so slow but things have been piling up on me lately and are just clearing. I had the little boy's picture taken on his third birthday and meant to send one immediately and here he is almost four months.

Mom, you gave him a swell start don't you think? Looks like another giant in the family. He's sure a tall husky--not fat but muscle bound. He's as hard as a rock and good as gold. Even the Doc admits he's a swell boy, and that's something from my Dr. He doesn't just smile now but chuckles and talks--honest. I can almost get what he says sometimes. Course he wouldn't smile for the cameras, he's too sincere. Wish you could see him. He weights 14 pounds now. Well, my vacation comes in the fall and he'll be cuter still when I come bouncing home with him then. We plan to have these little pictures taken every month until he's old enough to sit alone then we'll send a big one.

Bob is going to fly to S.L. over the 4th and drive a company car home (back to Yakima). His dad is failing fast and he of course wants to see him before he goes. He doesn't know about a vacation this year after all--but I get one for sure and will see you a little later.

Now a little news. Bob joined the Lion's Club and they held a convention here last weekend. We were busy attending all the functions and met some nice people from here, Spokane and Seattle. We have been moving the last two weeks and I am just getting settled. We have a wonderful duplex-big as a house and very attractive. Baby has his own room and a big crib now. His room is going to be the prettiest in the house. We are almost in the country, have a lovely view yard and sunshine for Jr. Looks like we will become substantial citizens. Bob's work is so much lighter and he enjoys it so much, he's a changed man--has all his evenings at home (a treat for all), spends a good part of his time selling and taking afternoons off to play golf. We have a Studebaker Commander to use, a beautiful car. I know how Cinderella felt, seems like we got everything at once. They say every new baby brings good huh, Our little tyke did alright for us.

Blanche came over the night they got home and told us they had a wonderful time in S.L. and you were simply grand to them, couldn't do enough. She's such a nice person. She likes you all so much and said to thank you. Sid said he made arrangements to have Blanche write when I didn't. I've had a lot of fun telling her she owes you a couple of letters by now.

Must close so Bob can run down town and mail this tonight. Don't tell his Mother he is flying--she worries about it. He is riding to Boise with the Davies and taking a plan from there. I'll write oftener now and you all do the same. Give my love to Dick and Ellen and tell them I'll write and send a picture. Where's Tom? There are 3 cars in S.L. Ask him how he'd like to drive one here with Rob and stay awhile. Write soon. Hope you're all well. Love, Louise.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

No Date but after Robert Jr was born

Dear Folks:

I'm surely sorry to be so slow writing but I don't often have a spare moment. I have some real news for you. The bank job finally popped and Robert got it. He's thrilled to pieces and starts work with them Monday. It pays $200 a month and we have a big Studebaker sedan to drive and a 3 week vacation if we take it in the fall or winter and it starts this year. It's the First National Bank of Seattle. Bob will be bringing only automobile papers and there will be practically no night work. C.I.T. in San Francisco called immediately upon receipt of Bob's resignation and offered him the moon. Said if he wasn't satisfied because of the Seattle supervision they would give him a transfer. Wanted to know if he would like something in San Francisco's home office. But he's sticking with the bank and it has a big future. We went to Seattle over the week-end to make final arrangements. We may take over the duplex that Tiffany's lived in. They are being transferred to Seattle and it is his job Bob is taking. They have a dashing place---close to Blanche's--and it has two bedrooms and will cost us only about $5 more a month than here. Jim Elam lost his job--as they were expecting--and they don't want to move to Seattle so I don't know what they plan to do. Thelma says they will take a long vacation before they decide on anything and they are keeping their apartment. Blanche and Sid have gone. They are planning to spend one night with you if all goes well. I can't say just when it will be so they had no idea where all they might go. But it will be towards the end of their vacation and should be sometime around June 10 to 15th. Bob Jr. is growing into a bouncing boy now and is a grand good baby. He does as you hoped, Mom, lies by the hours awake without crying. I manage just fine. I wake at 7:00 in the morning and Bob has breakfast ready when I come out. Then it is a real whirl until about 2:00 in the afternoon at which time I find my house in order, myself cleaned up and a few hours to do as I please cause I still have that steady stream of daily visitors and I don't get some of the things done that I would like. I think when we move it will be different. Betty is going to work every afternoon so it looks like I might be lonesome. Then baby and I are going to relax every afternoon in our own backyard. Boy, I can't wait. I'm going to have a small picture of the baby taken and will send one. He has reached the cooing stage and smiles a lot.

This is the last sheet of Mama's stationary so must close. I'll write often now, and wish you would do the same. Hope you are all feeling first rate again and putting on weight. I'm not losing as I had liked. It seems to agree with me. Tell Tom hello and tell him to write. We'll be paying you a visit one of these fine days. We're going to spend our vacation with you. Hope you can stand it.; We can't wait. Love to all, Louise

P.S. Mr. Armstrong is very ill and they don't expect him to live long. It seems he had a stroke two or three years ago that no one knew of. Wish you would drop in some day and see them. They are all pretty low and Bob is worried about them.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

January 30, 1941

Dear Pop:

Well, well, I know you didn't really expect to see Sophie when promised but here she is all done up in Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes. I hope you don't find too many errors but it isn't like just buzzing the old master mind a couple of times and asking just how this and that is punctuate or spelled. My worst trouble, as I mentioned before, was running words together but i just didn't seem to be able to keep from it. I hope it isn't too much of an eye-sore. Otherwise, I think it is in pretty good shape. If you would like me to do anymore of it, just send it up and I'll be happy to go on with the story. Don't forget I think it is a beautiful yarn and hope it is a best seller. Before I forget, I have not included the original and will send it back as soon as hubby brings another envelope from the office. I didn't like to pack too much in one.

I can't write much tonight as I am having a couple of wandering C.I.T. employees in for dinner tomorrow night and I'm in the process of making dessert and a grocery list for early tomorrow morning. I wish you were here, mom. I haven't cooked anything but plain old vegetables, un-decorated dinner. Thelma gave me a recipe for a heavenly dessert and if it is as good as supposed to be, I'll send it to you next letter.

Bob is working night and day. Business--especially collections--certainly sag in this farmer's land about this time of year. He has his credit man on the road and is trying to do two people's jobs. Well, must go now as I have a lot of little odd jobs I want to get done tonight. Will write early next week. Hope you have as much fun this week-end as last. Write. Love, Louise

Monday, July 27, 2009

January 21, 1941

Dear Folks:

Sounds like you lead a busy life these days and it sounds fun. Balls and ski meets, etc. How does it feel, Pop, to be a minister again. You certainly make a handsome one. And I'm just dying to see you in your orchid formal, mom. I guess you'd better pack it--not that we have anywhere here to wear such things but we'll have a little fashion revue of our own...when I get my figure back. And, Pop, if you're going to be a social butterfly you just have to put up with photographers and the like--oh, you don't think it's funny?

I don't blame you for being proud of Tom. he's getting right up among them and more power to him--I see Jimmy Howel and Dave Quinney are still sticking to B class. I'd surely like to have seen the meet and poor Bob is just dying to get out and do some skiing--it's too bad we don't live in S. L., he could go out with Tom. Bob is really a pretty fair skier himself--learned at Sun Valley while he was courting a girl there once--so I imagine he took a lot of lessons. Tell Tom to try hard and also be careful. I'm proud of Suggie, Too. Tell him I send my congratulations on those nice long jumps. I suppose since Tom jumped off cliffs, Suggie had to.

Bob is still excited about his idea of working for the banks--and don't think he lacks loyal support from wifey. But he has to tread lightly to keep C.I.T. from hearing of it. So he decided not to write to Bennett in Ogden, Dad, until he hears more from you about Clawson and the man at the Bank--have forgotten who. Is it Ray Wilson? He has been trying to write some the last couple of days but an auditor is in here and he is busy day and night with him. He tried for two months to get the information from Wimm with only promises that he would get the information.

We haven't been doing much the last week. I can't think of an interesting thing to tell you. Bob has some calls to make down the valley today and he took me with him. It seemed good to get out. Sunday was a lovely day and we took a long walk in the sunshine. Saturday night we had our usual game of Tripoli with the Elams. That's about all the excitement up this way. Like the newspaper man who said as he left the whore house, "That's -30 - For tonight. I guess I'll quite now." See, I'm still bad. Well, must really quite and get in bed for my ten hours beauty nap.

Oh yes, thought of something else. Mom, i guess I will have to wait awhile before I make definite plans with you for the time to come. Maybe I can tell better a little later on. Hope you are planning on a ling stay. And, Pop, I will mail the twelve chapters of Sophie by Friday, I have one chapter left to do. I'm afraid there are spelling errors. I have no dictionary and when in doubt have had to rely on my own memory which isn't so good but Tom can probably fix it up in the bad spots without much trouble. It's a swell story and tell Tom to hurry with his half, I'm anxious to see what you finally do with poor Sophie.

I'm really quitting this time. Tell everybody hello. Wish I were there to help tend the little boys for you now and then. Write, Love, Louise

Saturday, July 25, 2009

January 20, 1941

Dear Folks:

Well, spring hasn't come to Yakima yet, we haven't seen the sun for days and it gets pretty monotonous--makes us appreciate last winter in Boise, but I don't suppose I could ever convince you that Boise gets any sun before June.

We haven't been doing much the last week except staying in and keeping warm. Saturday night we spent the evening with a young couple by the name of Mathews, who have just built a new home here. Bob met the boy in business and he has asked us out several times but always when we were busy. They are about our age, have no children, and are very nice so I hope to see them quite often. Sunday we went out to Blanche Leonard's to see the new baby. They took her home Saturday and I have never seen anything so tiny. But she is doing fine and weighs 5 lbs already. I held her and i do hope it is more natural to handle my own child than this little mite, I felt as clumsy as a boy. And, Mom, that reminds me that I am to ask you when you are coming up. Bob is beginning to look a little worn and asks me every few days if I know yet when you plan to come. He is scared to death he is going to get caught alone with me. I tell him that you have a family of your own to care for and can't come too early but I think he feels that they can get along a lot more comfortably without you than he can. About the tatting, it really doesn't matter what pattern you use, but I will try to copy this one for you. What I want is something lacy and fussy and in white. I would like enough to do the edge of a sheet and pillow case for a buggy and we can sew it on when you come up. If you would rather crochet it, I would be just awfully pleased with it and you can use your own judgment on any pattern you think would do. Blanche is helping me do some little flannel nightgowns and I am getting a pretty good supply together. He can came anytime he wants now cause we have him all paid for. And that reminds me that you had better all give some thought to girl's names, we are concentrating on boy's only. We have Mrs. Armstrong worried. Every letter she tells us that it might be a girl and we will like her just as much, and shouldn't set our hearts on a boy. Course we really haven't.

I had a letter from Maurine today and both Roger and Seth have been in the hospital with a streptococcus infection which had spread through Seth's blood stream and paralyzed his legs and arms for a time. Roger is home now and Seth is beginning to move his hands and apparently it will turn out all right. Otherwise, they have had a very eventful year, their business boomed, they bought their own homes and had a wonderful vacation. Poor little Maurine said she was afraid all the time that things were going too well. I told her in a letter how you happened to miss her when she was in S.L. and she said she was sorry too and would have loved to had a peek at all of your but was tied with the babies.

Pop, I'm glad the manuscript looked okay. I'm afraid Tom's half is going to put me to shame. I get along just fine except for one bugaboo--I run words together. I can't blame that on the typewriter, I guess I'm just plain out of practice but I think it will look pretty good and I'll send it all to you sometime next week. Don't forget to tell me what MacMillan's have to say. I'm also anxiously waiting to see your picture on the society page once again. Better tell me who you are this time so I'll recognize you. Hope you both have a swell time at the ball. Wish we were in S. L. and we'd go with you.

Bobby's letter was sweet and tell him I'll write one of these days. Tell Tom I'm still waiting to hear from Him-a letter a month would be appreciated. Hope he makes the "A" jump with flying colors. Tell everybody help and everybody write. Love, Louise

Letter From Bob January 20, 1941

Dear Louis:

I have been trying through my illustrious brother to secure some information regarding a set-up which I feel certain is hot at the present time. As Bill is either too busy or has had too much grief in the family, with the death of Mrs. Snow, I am still without the information.

I am certain the First Security chain of banks in Utah, Idaho and Wyoming are going very strongly into retail conditional sales financing on automobile. There is a local chain of banks through Washington who have also gone into this type of financing very strongly with a great deal of success. I have been studying their operations since I have been in Yakima and as I now have a fair knowledge of their operation, I am positive I can show the First Security System a very good profit and a definite plan that can be immediately put into effect. In short, I desire to take over and supervise their entire operation in this field.

There is nothing like aiming high, and if not the supervision of this set-up, I feel that I would at least be able to get a substantial income and a residence closer to home. After this lengthy discussion, the information I need are the names of the presidents, vice-presidents, or general manager, whom I can contact by mail or phone, who will have enough authority to make such an appointment. Needless to say this job should pay a minimum of $225 a month to start, plus expenses. I do not wish to burden you with these details, what with the Hotel Utah advertising and a few more of the best accounts in Salt Lake City, I know you are busy, however, as Louise has stated you would very likely have access to this information and since I can't get any action from Bill, anything you can do will be appreciated from he bottom of my heart and I will also let you take me on another vacation t no cost to myself.

We are now counting the days for the arrival of our "son and heir" and are naturally expecting a visit from it's Grandfather Larsen before he is very many days old if nothing more than to show him his Grandfather's fine new white teeth. After all he will have to learn to appreciate beauty. Not only that but I'm curious to know if they will really work on a steak. Your Loving Son-in Law, Bob

If given chance I guarantee to show a profit by putting out a Profit and Loss statement or I'm out defiantly. (sounds big but it's a cinch)

Friday, July 24, 2009

January 13, 1941

Dear Mom and Pop:

Here it is the middle of the month again. How time flies, spring and junior will be here before I know it. We have been having some real winter weather the last few days. It's quite beautiful but gets pretty dismal with no sun shining for days. A combination of fog and cold leaves the trees solidly covered with frost and it lasts for days. It's quite lovely--provided you are inside. you, feel like you're covered with the stuff by the time you walk a block. I've never seen anything like it at home. We've been sticking inside without doing much. Bob brings his work home and even holds meetings here it's so cold in his office at night.

I don't believe I told you in the last letter that Mary Leonard--Blanche's daughter-in-law had a new baby girl last week--only 4 pounds. They keep it in a hot-box and it's doing fine, is the smallest baby in the hospital. So I had a peek inside the hospital and it seems very nice and everybody says it is one of the best. Course these Yakimans would be proud as peacocks for the mere fact that they have a hospital. I had a letter from Florence McCarthy and she is expecting a new arrival in July. She says she and Dennis will be grateful even for a Pinocchio--Dennis has a long nose, too. She sounds like the same old tot. They seem to be doing fine and she says Maurine and Seth are getting rich on that piece of property they leased on the Mount Vernon highway. They were trying to raise enough money to build a drive-in stand when I was there and apparently they have it going now. Florence didn't explain but said it was paying big dividends. Maybe the government is paying them to keep a stand off, it is the only piece of property on the whole highway from Washington D.C. to Mount Vernon that isn't owned by the government. Mom, let's you and I move back there everybody has colored help. I think you could buy a darky outright for a dollar a week. Florence is still renting but Maurine and Seth are buying their own home in Arlington, Virginia.

Pop, I am sending a chapter of Sophie for you to follow. I'm sorry I'm so slow, polygamy, itself, would probably be in vogue again by the time I did the whole book. Just as soon as I finish these twelve chapters I have I'll send the whole works to you and if Tom is in need of any help on some of the rest of them I'll be glad to help--will be glad to do the rest of them if you have the patience. Anyway, I'll have this set done by the end of this month. I surely think you have done a beautiful job of the story. I realize as I type it that you have cut it down a great deal but I can't tell where, the story is still there and is very touching. Makes me feel like someone else who read it--I've forgotten who--they said it almost made them weep in places. You might send me a copy of it complete after you get it finished, I'd like to read the rest of it.

Well, it's getting close to dinner time. Christy is hanging round the door looking for Bob. She's like Dale--too smart for me to do anything with. Pop promised me a letter from you about tomorrow, Mom, with all the news. Glad you are all better. Write often. Love Louise

Thursday, July 23, 2009

January 6, 1941

Dear Folks:

Well here I am at last. I thought that after Christmas I'd have all the leisure time in the world, then shoved that idea along to after New Year's and I'm still bustling around barely keeping up with the things I have to do. Bob has gone to a Sigma Chi dinner and election of officers for the alumnae group here. This is the first meeting he has managed to get to and they have been meeting for some months now. I wish he would go regularly. It would be a good way to meet some younger people. I had another session with my dentist this afternoon--one more trip and I'm through. I started out with only two cavities and every time I go I have worn out another tooth. Guess I'll have mine pulled too. how are you feeling by now, Pop? Better I hope. Doesn't being as pretty as Clark Gable make up for all the discomfort. I hope you are all over the flu, too. You've been holding out on me. Mrs. Armstrong writes that Ellen cooked your Xmas dinner because Mom had been so sick with the flu. In both of your letters you made it sound like you had a touch of the stuff for only a day or so. I hope you are all feeling better now. You can't keep a thing from us--we aren't so far away. I did a little worrying about Tom New Year's night. We came back from Leonard's just in time to hear KSL's late news broadcast and they announced that four members of a skiing party had been caught in a slide at Alta. Mom said Tom had gone skiing but didn't say where. Next day I received Pop's letter saying Tom was doing only the jumps this winter. It was the only time I had ever felt comfortable about his jumping. Has he done the "A" yet. Ask him when he is going to be too old for all that stuff.

We had a nice New Year's day. It was certainly swell to talk with you. We went to Leonard's for a monstrous turkey dinner and had a nice day. Thursday I washed and meant to write Friday night but Bob had a business meeting here at the apt. Their office is so cold they can't stand it after five o'clock. Saturday we played poker with Elam's and another couple here in the apartment by the name of Davis. They are from Spokane and are a lot of fun, but, as usual, they are older folks--in their forties, I'd say. Next Saturday night they are going to play at our house so I must spend this week doing a little cleaning around the place.

I thoroughly enjoyed myself this afternoon after the dentist. I bought a layette in one felswooop. Penney's had just gotten in their new stock and I hurried and bought them out. I think it is the smartest way to buy the things--at least it is the easiest. Everything was new and pretty and I discovered that it is smart to have a spring baby there are so many things you don't need. I have decided to make a buggy do instead of a basket. It won't be as pretty but we haven't room for everything and they get out of baskets so soon and into cribs. Mom, do you think you'd have time to crochet or tat an edge for a little sheet and pillow slip just big enough to fit an ordinary size buggy. Do you remember the tatting you put on some pillow slips for me? Well, they are the prettiest I have, I think, and I'd love to have a set for the baby. I promised to quit being a nuisance after Xmas...but, after the baby I will.

Well, I guess that about completes my dairy for the week. We have the cutest, cussed est little hound you ever saw. We'd give her away only we like her soo much. I have a leash for her and drag her around the block ever now and then. But winter set in again and we have had snow for the last two or three days which puts an end to our exercise. I just remembered that I meant to tell you what Armstrong's gave us for Xmas. Mrs. Armstrong gave me a lovely night gown and bob hosiery and hankies. And Helen sent a twin-oven waffle iron from the whole family, she says. It's a treat worth looking forward to, having waffles ready as fast as you can eat them.

Oh yes, and about Sophie, Pop. I have to have the twelve chapters I already have, finished by the end of this month. I really enjoy working on it and, thought, I must admit I am slow I would like to do all of it. Unless you are anxious to get it finished, send the rest of it to me.

Everybody write and I do hope you are all well again. Tell the kids and babies hello. Love, Louise

P.S. Tom, now the New Year is here you might keep that resolution to write every week that you made in 1940. Who was it said he didn't make any new ones because he had some left over from last year he hadn't kept yet. What is Bud Christensen doing in S.L.? I have been expecting him to call on me. I thought he was in Seattle.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

December 30, 1940

Dear Folks:

Just two more days and the holidays are over. They have been sort of hectic but a lot of fun. We both want to thank you for the lovely Xmas gifts. The pottery dishes were surely sweet, I hadn't seen them before. And, Mom, I'll get in a good supply of tea to use in that tea pot when you come. We have the other dishes unpacked now but still use the pottery all the time. I still think it's awfully pretty. And Bob says thanks so much for the picture, of all his presents he likes that and the pup best. And tell Tom thanks too for the hosiery and cigarettes they are both much appreciated and in demand at our house. The color is very nice---Margy must still be on the job. So thanks again--it was surely a nice Christmas.

We would have liked to be home. but it's kinda fun to look at a bunch of presents for a week and then open them all at once. We didn't wait longer than Xmas eave. So Blanche Leonard and her whole family brought him up. They honked twice and Thelma Elam went out and got him and put a big bow around his neck, put him in his basket and left him at our door. Bob was really surprised, I don't think he had the slightest idea what was going on. The little pup is the cutest thing you have ever seen. She's only two months old and the tiniest dog you ever saw. She's a red Cocker and her marcelled ears hang almost to the floor. Everybody would like to have her. Elam's come up to see her every day and tell us we have lost all our attraction, they come just to visit her. Xmas morning we invited Grover up to have a drink and spring the dog on him. He said it was all right as long as she didn't disturb anyone and she is good as can be as long as she has company. Christmas day we called on two or three people and had dinner with the Leonard's. And we are also eating turkey with them on New Year's Day. They had a big turkey given them for Xmas and insist that we come out and help them eat that one on New Year's. We feel like we are over--doing it but they are grand people and won't let you get the word "no" out. Well, to get on with my story, Thursday we went to Mr. Chandler's funeral. He is the owner of the apartment here. He had a minor operation and was getting better when he developed pneumonia and died. He was a very prominent man in Yakima and the tenants were all very fond of him. Friday I had Blanche Leonard, her daughter Irene and daughter-in-law up for lunch and the afternoon, and Bob--the big sissy insisted on coming home to lunch. They kidded him and he said he was just curious to see what I served other people for lunch and was glad to find out. It looks like more work for me from now on. Then came the week-end. yesterday wee had a company car so we drove down the valley to look at the first white settlement in this valley. Called Fort Simcoe. It's an interesting little village full of Indians now. New Year's Eve we are going to play cards with the Elam's. Well, that's our holiday program. It's not very exciting but I'm getting a little tired.

Now to tell you what Santa Claus brought us. I gave Bob the puppy and a pair of gloves and he gave me that dress I wrote about, a bottle of cologne and a mirror to hang around my neck so that I can see the back of my head. And Santa brought us a new radio. We'll still be paying Santa off for the next two Xmases but it's surely a pleasure to own. It's a Spartan combination phonograph and radio. The phonograph changes fourteen records automatically. We haven't 14 records yet, but they tell us it will work. Tom, we'll have something for you to do besides play solitaire next time you come. It's as much fun as the nickle machines --and cheaper--or maybe it isn't on second thought. It's a $225 console and we bought it for $135. If C.I.T. ever have to repossess it, we'll ship it to you for the balance. I know you'd like it. If you want a new radio sometime be sure to let Bob see what he can do for you, we got this machine at cost. Forgot to tell you what Armstrong's sent will save if for next letter.

I guess I'd better stop, you're probably weary of this. Write and tell us all about your Xmas. I'd surely like to see that beautiful new dining room set, Mom. Dang it, why can't I just run in and look. Pop, I surely hope you are feeling better by now. I want a picture when you get beautiful again. Hope you are all over the flu by now. It has been so bad in this country, they have had the schools closed. What time do you two get started on that wine now that you have all day to loaf.

Thanks again for the lovely gifts. If any of the things we sent don't fit such as Gary's suit or Tom's socks be sure to send them back. Write Soon. Love, Louise

P.S. Happy New year to all--Certainly liked your Xmas card.

Monday, July 20, 2009

December 22, 1940

Dear Mom and Pop:

I hope this reaches you before Old Saint Nick cause I'd like to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas.

It hardly seems like Xmas here, it's more like spring. It has been raining for several days but cleared off for a beautiful, warm day today. We went for a long walk this afternoon and the sun was so bright we needed colored glasses. We decorated our tree yesterday and I surely wish you could drop in and see how pretty we are, and have a drink or two with us. Well, next Christmas without fail we are going to spend the day with you. We'll drive down or better still, move down by that time. For once in my life I got my shopping done early and it's certainly a nice feeling. Your present arrived, also the one to Bob from Tom, and we haven't peeked. Course a little shaking and guessing is fair, isn't it? The basket arrived and surely looks like new, Mom. I was ashamed and afraid I've been a nuisance when I saw all the work you had gone to but it certainly will look nice under the Christmas tree with that little red pup. The packing looked like a lot of work, Pop,, and also the telephone directory. Thanks for everything, Xmas is going to be a big success. Blanche Leonard is making me a new dress, my present from Bob. It's a little number of our own design, meant to do a better job of streamlining me than most store models. If it does the trick like we think it will, I think I'll patent it. I'm convinced that someone could get rich designing maternity clothes. Blanche has asked us to have dinner with them on Xmas. So we have asked a few people to call early in the day then we are going out and spend the rest of the day with the Leonard's. They always have a house full and it's bound to be a jolly day, after all.

I got a card and little note from Jenore Seegmiller and she is going to be married sometime not too far off. She said they are just waiting to be married in the temple. He joined the church just this November. I'll bet he doesn't half know what a swell gal he's getting. Will tell you more just as soon as I can pry a letter out of her. Mary Enders also sent a note and said they would like to buy a home in Boise if they could be certain how long they would be there. Sounds like everybody is doing all right.

Well, that is about all the news for this week. Write and tell me what all you did all day the 25th. Tell Tom, Dick and Ellen and the little boys hello for us. Bob says not to leave him out this time, he sends greetings too. Have a lot of fun and tell us all about it. So Long. Love Lousie

P.S. Pop, hope you don't have too much trouble with those teeth. Hope they come out as easy as mine did. You'll have a lot of time to write--letters--in those ten days.

Friday, July 17, 2009

December 10,1940

Dear Mom and Pop:

Was surely glad to get two nice long letters the same day. Have been trying since yesterday afternoon to answer but have been busy sewing. Thelma has me struggling along with some little aprons that look simple but like all sewing has no finish. She seems up a whole one in one afternoon and I have been on mine for a week. She's just a school teacher at heart and I think she is re-living her youth showing me how to do all these things. They are cute but I think one is all I'll do this year. She's killing me with kindness and i don't know what I'd do without her but I don't think she understands tom-boys.

I received the Makoff catalog and if The Ad-Craftsmen didn't get it out, someone is stealing your stuff. It's certainly novel and beautiful. Course, I can't even get in their budget class. They are about $.50 above me at their lowest. But I enjoy looking through it. I think I'll give Thelma the catalog for Xmas. Mom, I think I'll give Bob the little dog for Xmas. It was just as cute as I expected. I know you think I'm crazy but you can't tell me about it till after Xmas and that's too late. And then we may not have it long--Grover is sure to find out. Just wait till they find out I'm going to have a little squealer too. Think I'd better ask them about doing my apartment over? Do you still have cotton's basket in the basement? I'd like very much to have it up here if it doesn't cost more to send it than it's worth. Ask Tom if he will inquire of Railway Express and if it isn't asking the impossible maybe he could get it to them someway and send it C.O.D. If it is ridiculous, just tell me and I'll let the puppy sleep with Bob. I just thought he'd look awfully cute int he basket, under the Christmas tree, with a big read bow around his neck. I'm sure bob will enjoy the present just as much without the trimmings.

Pop, I feel a bit foolish about the $5.00. You've certainly paid for the paper and typewriter dozens of times and it doesn't amount to anything. You couldn't by any chance have though it would come in handy about Christmas time? It was mighty sweet of you and thanks so much...I'll see that Junior gets the pink bootees. This is the weight of paper I'm using. It's 16 lb. and not the best of paper. I didn't think you would want it too heavy. Be sure and tell me if it will do or if you would like it on something else. Don't' worry about me over-doing... I'm much too lazy for that. Sorry to hear you must have the teeth out after all. I'll bet it was that ten-day holiday that made you finally decide to. Be sure you get some rest and don't work all the time.

Mom, I'm sorry to have you doing so many little chores for me but would you do one more? I'd like to send Ruth Belnap a Xmas card and don't have her address. Would you mind calling her mother and asking her for it. I think they live on G Street somewhere.

Well, must close before Robert comes home. He reads my mail. We haven't done much the last week. They are doing a lot of night shifts at the office trying to clean everything up before the New year. I've been browsing a lot in the stores. The town is really very pretty. It's elaborately decorated and the weather is beautiful. It is just like spring. but they can't fool me--it ain't the usual thing.

I am enclosing a little book on skiing that I have been meaning to send to Tom since last Xmas and just ran across it in last year's cards. Guess I shouldn't encourage the skiing since he is working so hard at school but he will probably enjoy reading thru it. He could probably write a better one himself by now.

See you soon again. Write often. Love, Louise

Thursday, July 16, 2009

December 16, 1940

Dear Folks:

Just a shorty tonight. I don't know where the time goes but I never seem to get ahead of it. I received your letter this morning, Mom, telling me a package was on the way and not to open it. Well, that is just what I have been in such a sweat about getting a letter to you. I mailed a package to you and tis for Xmas and not to be opened before. you could open the big box cause the presents are wrapped separately inside and I have included Bobby and Gary's and fruit cake for Dick and Ellen. you can give it to them on Xmas or before whichever works out best for you. I sent it all in one package because I imagine they will be spending the day with you. Tell them they mustn't send anything to us cause all I sent was the cake and it may not be fit to eat. Pop's present was too big and had to be wrapped separately and I am putting it in the mail tomorrow. I couldn't get it in time to send with the others and I slipped a little card in from the outside wrapping and it may slip out and be lost so if it is gone you put a not on for us. They had it all wrapped for shipping at the store so I didn't unwrap it. I sent hose to Tom which may not be the color and size but the clerk here told me that he could exchange them at some store where the same brand was sold down there. If he can't, please return them and I'll exchange them. The giftees aren't much but carry a lot of good wishes for A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for all of you. Wish we could mail ourselves down.

yesterday we had dinner with Elams and spent the evening playing cards. This afternoon I had a session with my dentist and happy surprise--only two cavities and a cleaning job and they will be in good shape again.

Must go now. Bob has gone to bed and this typewriter is sure noisy. They are going to bring me a noiseless tomorrow. Thanks for doing all the little chores for me. Mom. Don't bother about Makoff's. I'll pick up something here I didn't disrupt your day having you scurrying around mailing me telephone directories.

The package hasn't arrived yet and when it does that is going to be a brand new kind of temptation---not opening till Xmas. But I promise not to. Will write again in a day or two. Keep me posted on what's doing for the holidays and thanks for everything. Much Love, Louise